News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday.
To the Editor:
Free enterprise does not mean free for all. The building codes for every city are created to protect a city's integrity and to allow for responsible growth. It is the job of the city planner to uphold the code, not to adjust the code to developers' needs.
Sisters' planning (department) insists on some pretty interesting interpretations of a code intended to keep millions of drive-throughs from inhabiting the Commercial Highway Subdistrict of Sisters. Which also happens to be the Western gateway to our town.
Code 2.2180 (2)(b)(4) states that no more than one drive up, drive through, drive in facility may be within 400 feet of each other in the Highway Commercial Zone. However, the planning commission approved a development that has two drive throughs within 60 feet.
Planning says it is all one facility, however there are two permits required: One for the gas pumps and one for the convenience store & fast food drive up facility (McDonald's). The gas pumps are an outright permitted use, however, the convenience store and fast food drive through (McDonald's) require a conditional use. The listing of permitted uses in the Highway Commercial zone in code 2.2.190.A, separates all of these facilities.
Thankfully, the approval of this development has been appealed and will go before the city council on December 9 at 7 p.m. I urge all concerned citizens to go to city hall and ask for the information pertaining to this development (Relco Subdivision). We have a responsibility to be informed and therefore a responsibility to pursue the vision we have for our town.
Mollie Edwards
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To the Editor:
I'm not keen on McDonald's coming to Sisters...only because I am going to have to either restrain myself from indulging in their fare or step up my exercising regime. Choices, choices, choices!
What is also true is that Sisters already enjoys and benefits from the bigness of such corporate giants as Ace Hardware, Standard Oil, Coldwell Banker, RE/MAX, Comfort Inn, Shell Oil, Subway, Best Western, Figaro's Pizza, Union 76 and Radio Shack.
So, what IS the problem?
Judy Bull
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To the Editor:
Unlike most of my past letters to The Nugget, this one about the election will be short. It doesn't take many words to gloat.
To George Soros, Michael Moore, Eric Dolson, and the rest of the "We hate GWB" crowd, it looks like the American Electorate has basically told you to take a long walk off a short pier. Isn't it sweet that a combination of the Demos being on the wrong side of issues dealing with God, Guns and Gays sank flip-flop Kerry.
To Old Europe, the message is to take their duplicitous friendship and put it where the sun don't shine. We'll stand and fight alone if we have to and still save your sorry rear-ends in the process as we have done more than once in the past. This ain't Spain, UBL.
As for the call for the Republicans to compromise with the dwindling Democratic Party, I think someone has got that all backwards. After all, we won!
Carlton S. Yee
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To the Editor:
I have never been more disappointed in presidential election results. I am neither Democrat nor Republican, but rather I scrutinize the candidates and issues and try to vote what's best for America.
My vote for Kerry was as much a vote against Bush. I have no respect for a man who resides in the hip pocket of big business and puts his greed for power ahead of the health of his fellow Americans. Bush's moral values? They're in short supply.
Among a litany of examples is his systematic assault on environmental protections is his phony "Clear Skies Initiative."
Don't agree? Then why did 10 Northeastern states file suit against the federal government to stop his relaxation of power plant emission standards that would jeopardize the health of their children and elderly?
Hey folks, there are already warnings against eating fish caught in 43 of our states.
Global warming? Bush's attitude: "Get used to it." Even Republican Senator John McCain described our climate change policy as "disgraceful."
Add in the senseless war in Iraq and the transparent lack of caring by Bush/Cheney about our war casualties that Jim Anderson so eloquently described in his recent Nugget article "Honoring the Dead."
How about the monstrous budget deficits?
Bush won the popular and electoral votes. The people have spoken. But when you examine the big picture, the future of America's coming generations is being compromised.
What disillusions me most is that, in my opinion, millions of parents voted with their eyes closed, giving little heed to the futures of their children. Where are the moral values in that? I am left with the distinct impression that I care more about future generations than many American parents. And I don't even have any kids!
Don McCartney
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To the Editor:
I am amazed at Sisters Soccer Club. Did you know that a local contractor offered his crew and services to build a simple soccer storage structure?
Now Mark Peterson (SSC) is asking for funds to build a $50,000 soccer club house. Did you know that SSC refused to share their grounds permit for a concession stand that would give money back to SSC? I was told that parents should bring coolers.
Did you know that SSC didn't have to man the booth, buy the food, supply the insurance or even run the stand? Two parents volunteered to do the whole thing and they still refused? (Hence the stand across the street.) I was told hot dogs weren't nutritious and players shouldn't eat them, yet SSC supplied donuts at the jamboree?
Did you know that I was told that there was no place for my fifth grader to play soccer for Sisters and was told by SSC that maybe I should go and play for a competitive Eugene League? Did you know that SSC questioned our son playing for an Outlaw team contracted through SOAR through Bend Parks and Rec? Did you know the leadership of SSC had their children play for Bend United and not even for Sisters?
Why spend money on a club house when SOAR is such a fabulous facility? Did you know that they said parents of Sisters don't want to play Bend and Redmond? Hence, fall Soccer is like recess with a few domineering kids that have no competition.
Did you know the current president was not voted in, he was appointed after a falling out years ago?
It's not a clubhouse we need, rather a resignation, restructuring and a Sisters United team should be in order to better our athletes instead of breeding mediocrity. What do you think?
Becky Aylor
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To the Editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all they have done for me after the serious car accident I was in on October 19.
I cannot tell you enough how appreciative I am for all the positive thoughts, energy, prayers, gifts, cards, food, flowers, phone calls, visits and lots of hugs and kisses.
Everyone has said that I am a lucky lady to be here and I know this to be true. For I am able to create more memories with all of you!
Thank you again!
Jacquie Zanck
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