News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Middle school hosts winter concert

If the quality of performance at the Sisters Middle School Winter Concert last week was any indication, Tara MacSween and Jody Henderson can look forward to continued excellence in their high school music program.

Last week, the Sisters Middle School choirs and concert bands drew several hundred spectators, who were also treated to a rare performance by the University of Oregon Tuba and Euphonium Band. The tuba is the “bass brass” of the band. Next in line is the euphonium, also known as the baritone horn.

MacSween led off the evening with three numbers performed by the 7th - 8th grade choir. The first piece, “Herbstlied” by Robert Schumann, was sung in German. Varying their program they sang the spiritual “Hitch a Ride” followed by “Listen to the Rain.”

The sixth-grade choir, numbering almost as many as the combined 7th-8th grade choir, followed with three selections, concluding with a spirited rendition of “The Bare Necessities.”

Jody Henderson gave a special public thanks to the Sisters School Foundation. He pointed out that several students in this band were playing instruments purchased from foundation funds, including the tuba played by his son Jared.

Following several selections by the middle school concert band, Henderson talked about the Central Oregon Music Educators’ District Solo Competition. Winners of the competition go on to compete at the state level.

Henderson said that he encourages everybody to consider entering the competition, then added with a smile, “But certain kids have to do this because of who their dad is.”

Henderson then introduced his son Jared to perform a tuba solo, accompanied by Stephanie King on the piano.

As is his style, Henderson brought in another high quality music group to play for and with the students. The Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble from the University of Oregon, consisting of four tubas and five euphoniums, was led by Michael Grose, the low brass instructor at the U of O.

The grand finale, “Warrior’s Dance,” was performed by the middle school band — with five tubas.


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