News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters Blaze wraps up a long season

The Sisters Blaze U-12 traveling soccer team was fired up on Sunday, November 13, as they took on the Lake Oswego Rangers in the final game of a season that started back in June.

The team was led by by Head Coach Doug Early and Manager Shawn O’Hern.

The Sisters Blaze battled the Rangers to a scoreless tie at the end of regulation play.

As the game was a playoff, ties were not acceptable. The game went to a shoot-out in which five players from each team try to score on the opposing team’s goalie. The Rangers’ goalie stopped one shot and the Sister’s Blaze goalie, Keenan O’Hern, stopped two, giving the Blaze a 1-0 victory.

Now that the fall season is over, the Sisters Blaze soccer team is continuing with the indoor soccer season. Their first indoor game is on Friday, November, 18, at 5 p.m., at the Central Oregon Indoor Soccer Center.

The Sisters Blaze players are: Tyler Berg, Mason Calmettes, Amity Calvin, Devon Calvin, Jared Early, Freddy Gonzalez, Marisa Haynes, Cody Lane, Brennan Layne, Keenan O’Hern, Brett Pray, Dillon Randall, Gabe Rietmann, Taylor Steel and Seth Urquhart.


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