News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Theater prepares for ‘blockbuster’ season

As the holiday season approaches, movies move into their “blockbuster” season.

Sisters Movie House is bringing some of those blockbusters to Sisters this month. The lineup of big movies will begin on November 18 with “Harry Potter” and “Walk the Line,” a bio-pic featuring Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash. The rousing musical “Rent” will follow on November 23 and “Chronicles of Narnia” will arrive on December 9, followed by Peter Jackson’s “King Kong” on December 14.

Jim Carrey’s “Fun with Dick and Jane” arrives on December 23.

According to theater proprietor Lisa Clausen, many of these films will be run for at least three weeks.

The theater will also have new hours.

“With daylight savings and the hint of snow we thought it made more sense to have our Monday through Wednesday’s showings a bit earlier,” Clausen said. “They will start between 6 and 6:30 p.m. and we will continue with our two showings on Thursday and Friday.”

For more information visit 549-8800 or check out the Web site


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