News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 12/14/2005

To the Editor:

Bruce Williams wrote about attacks on President Bush (The Nugget, Letters to the Editor, December 7). He echoed the administration position that saying anything against the President helps our enemies.

It seems to me that it’s very hard to help our enemies any more than the President is currently doing. A look at the facts is pretty clear: there are a whole lot more suicide bombers, roadside bombs and attacks in Iraq and other countries now than there were before Iraq was invaded.

There have been recent terrorist attacks in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Bangladesh, in addition to Iraq and Afghanistan. None yet in the US, but the 9-11 commission just gave the administration failing grades in preparing for another attack.

The President is simply incompetent in the war on terror. He isn’t stopping terrorism and he isn’t protecting us. And the brave volunteers in the military are suffering under his faulty vision.

But, beyond simply losing this war — and we are losing it because we’re creating more hatred and terrorists than we’re killing — he has sullied America’s honor.

His support of torture, snatching people off the street and holding them in unknown places for indefinite times, attacking the character of anyone who criticizes his policies, revealing the identity of a CIA operative for political motives (though this hasn’t been traced directly to the President) — this isn’t what America is about! This is unChristian, immoral and against those ideals of decency, fairness and human rights for which this country used to stand. President Bush and Vice President Cheney are a shame to all Americans.

Steve Bryan


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