News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
To the Editor:
In ordinary times we are thankful to the Lord for each other, for our friends and for those who give their time, their energy, even their lives for our benefit. This year, for Amber and I, life is not ordinary in any sense except that it is Christmas time once again.
On December 5 a fire and a couple of explosions occurred at our home in Tollgate. The fire was bad enough that our house will be demolished and rebuilt.
We have so many people to thank, who came to give my wife aid, who have and are helping us in the cleanup process. A young man named Kevin from High Country Sanitary came to the door to notify my wife that the house was on fire. He moved our car from near the garage as the grill had already started to melt. Then, braving the fire nearby, he even saved our garbage bin from destruction!
We had neighbors all around us who called 911 and/or took care of my wife when all there was to do was watch in trepidation of the outcome. We have stayed at Dick and Darlene Kelm’s home as decisions have been made. They have been more than gracious.
Especially we are grateful to the fire department and some individual fire fighters. After the fire, David Wheeler was gracious, kind and offered assistance to my wife and I. All the fire personnel who came and put the fire out were more than helpful. We wish we knew all their names.
We have a special thanks for the women volunteers, including Amber Worth, who lives in Tollgate. She jumped into her gear and arrived at our house before the trucks. She and other firemen entered the house and moved pictures from the walls and even from the refrigerator! At some point all the furniture close to the fire was moved as far away from the fire as possible. Even Christmas presents were saved!
Of course there were things lost, such as tools, computers, personal and business papers and so forth, but those pale in the comparison to my wife surviving injury or worse. Our thanks go to everyone who helped and cannot be expressed often or loud enough.
Every night I am thankful to God, wherever we may be, my wife is still here with me.
Gene Carlson
To the Editor:
This is to thank everyone in the wonderful community of Sisters and surrounding areas for stepping up and helping with the Christmas gift program.
This year we will provide gifts for over 200 children. Last Wednesday, fire department volunteers found that we were still short of funds to purchase presents for 109 needy children. I am pleased to announce that we were overwhelmed with cash and donations to help fill this gap. Because of you, every needy child will have an opportunity to receive Christmas gifts this year.
A special thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for spreading the word and to all who gave unselfishly. It is great to be a part of a community which gives so feely to those in need. Your response to our call for help truly represents what the holiday season is all about.
The Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District wishes everyone a safe and joyous holiday season.
Tay Robertson
Fire Chief
To the Editor:
I feel compelled to write this letter of appreciation to the Director, Gary Bowne, and cast of “Jingle Bell Jury” presented by the Sisters Play Production Class of the Bend Theatre for Young People!
The theatrical talent of each of the performers was superb, and they truly did convey the message that the spirit of Christmas is alive and well. I look forward to their next performance, and will come prepared to laugh or reach for my tissues, depending on the play.
Thanks to all of them for the obvious effort they put into learning and presenting their characters.
Jim Knapp
To the Editor:
I was just wondering what was up with the tree in front of the chamber of commerce. Why was it cut down? Was it sick, was it dead, or are they just gonna put something in it’s place?
You know, we all complain about keeping Sisters rustic and yet day by day we keep cutting down part of what makes Sisters rustic. As I see it that is part of the history of Sisters. Someone asked them to marry them underneath that tree, someone had their first date underneath that tree, that tree has been there as long as I personally can remember.
Even if there is a new business or what ever the tree could still be there and standstrong.
Rose Holm
Editor’s note: Property owner John Leavitt said the poplar tree was largely hollow and when a work crew started to trim it for safety it was determined the tree should come down.
To the Editor:
Mr. Bryan’s letter last week claiming that we are losing the war on terror is simply inaccurate. Blaming the President for terrorist attacks is like blaming all the World War II attacks by Japan and Germany on President Roosevelt — we were forced into that war, just as we were forced into this one.
There were many terrorist attacks around the world prior to 9-11 (remember the 1993 WTC bombing) and they were becoming larger and more frequent as the terrorists pushed their agenda on the world. No doubt they have increased as we have pursued them around the globe — that is why they call it war.
There is plenty of good news at the center of the war on terror, but you won’t hear about it unless you look for it. Like two recent ABC News polls, one that showed 87 percent of Afghans saying the overthrow of the Taliban was a good thing, and that 3 out of 4 thought their country was going in the right direction. The other poll revealed that 60 percent of Iraqis felt safe (up from 40% a year ago) and that 71 percent said that their lives were going well. Sounds like the Iraqis are more optimistic than some Americans!
Mr. Bryan went on to say that our brave volunteers in the military are suffering under the President. Then why is military re-enlistment highest amongst those who are serving in Afghanistan and Iraq? Is it possible that the soldiers on the front lines know something we don’t? Having Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and John Murtha repeat over and over again that the sky is falling doesn’t make it true! The only way we will lose this war is if we convince ourselves we are going to lose it.
Carey Tosello
To the Editor:
I could not give a pass to the only letter printed in last week’s Nugget. Steve Bryan’s letter was intended to rebut my December 7 criticism of Democrat officials who undermine our troops and aid our enemies with irresponsible pronouncements that our military is broken, that we have lost the war and that we must withdraw. The rebuttal used a common tactic when fact and logic are unavailable to dispute a point. Namely, it mis-stated my argument and then simply disputed the mis-statement.
Contrary to the letter’s opening assertion, neither I nor the current administration ever claimed that “saying something against President Bush means you are helping the enemy.”
My argument was that defeatist pronouncements from anti-Bush officials who declare falsely that we have lost the war serve to directly undermine our mission, strengthen our enemy’s position, and convince insurgents that more mindless slaughter will succeed in breaking America’s resolve. Mr. Bryan’s letter did not attempt to rebut this position with fact or reason but instead simply twisted my words into a different (and erroneous) assertion, scoffed briefly at that, and then proceeded with a routine anti-Bush essay reciting the latest accusations, internet myths and Howard Dean talking points as though they were fact.
I repeat my assertion, for clarity: The consequence of highly placed U.S. Democratic officials trying to damage Bush by telling the world America is losing, will be increased U.S. and Iraqi deaths and injuries. Our troops are directly (and fatally) undermined by this contemptible behavior by their own elected representatives. If there are any rational arguments to refute this assertion, let’s hear them.
Last Thursday the Iraqis, despite standing death threats, completed another highly successful democratic election with far better voter turnouts than we manage to achieve in America. This was a stunning victory over the terrorists. Now watch as the same highly placed Democrat officials and their media allies scramble to place the most negative possible spin on this good news.
Bruce Williams
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