News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
To the Editor:
Wouldn’t a world without prejudice based on appearance or first impressions be a wonderful change of pace?
We are all guilty of it, in some form. Some however take this to the extreme by voicing their unwarranted rude opinions leaving a trail of hurt and total misunderstanding in their wake.
To these blind few: I hope you find compassion in your heart. Open your mind and look beyond the skin that is not the same color as yours, the special needs child that is different than your child, or the man with dread-locks (who by the way is a very talented artist) and not obviously break your necks to cross the street to avoid them.
After three years in Sisters, it still astonishes and frankly saddens me that select members of my family continue to be subjected to such prejudicial ignorance.
Thank you to the community members that embrace the differences in us all. You make the world a happier place to live.
Andrea Schleufer
To the Editor:
I want to say amen to Cindy Sproat’s letter (The Nugget, January 11). She said what I wanted to write. It’s a sad day when just because you don’t like someone you can find him guilty before his day in court.
The letters from Apache (Oklahoma) have nothing to do with the accusations up there and because you don’t like someone is no reason to belittle them.
There are a lot of people who love Shane and are supportive and praying for him. My Bible says to pray not stand and point fingers, right wrong or otherwise; that is our place as Christians. God is the way truth and the life, and it is His truth we want not opinions.
Thank you for publishing letters of support and not just the negative ones. Kenna is my niece and she and Shane helped me through a hard time when my husband died. So yes they are special to me and I do want a fair judgment in all things.
Yvonne Brown
To the Editor:
Thank you to all who bring grocery receipts from Ray’s Food Place to the library. The income from these receipts has been almost $11,000 in 10 years. That is an average of $1,100 per year!
All funds earned this way and through our book sales go directly to special items for the Sisters Library. The Friends of Sisters Library gave over $54,000 to special items included in the new library. The Friends appreciate Ray’s support and the support of the community. Please continue to bring in your receipts. They can be left on the bulletin board in the entryway of the library.
Norma Funai and Sue Edgerton
Friends of the Sisters Library
To the Editor:
I recently read the letter to the editor by Gregory A. Walker. My 25-year-old son is currently serving his second year-long tour in Iraq. He was also there in 2003 and volunteered many times for dangerous missions that were outside his normal duties (helping in the many searching-missions to find Saddam).
I am very proud of my son and of all the service men and women who are fighting now, and those who have fought previously, to help make the world a safer place for not just Americans, but for all who live under the oppression of dictators such as Saddam, Hitler and many others like them.
What I don’t think people really think about, or sometimes care to understand, is that it is because of our wonderful soldiers that we are able to have a “voice” to comment on what we each may feel is right or wrong with the decisions our President makes.
What makes me sad is the fact that when people are complaining and in an uproar over the U.S. soldiers being in whatever country we may be in at the time, I don’t think they realize the impact it has on our fighting (and dying) troops’ morale.
Yes, I am sure the service men and women don’t want to be fighting and dying in a foreign country, but they are proud to serve and do their duty. And, even though people who are running down our President and those who make the decisions to go to war probably don’t mean to make it sound as though they are also running down our troops…it still comes across as though they are doing just that.
My son is to come home in February and I am looking forward to being able to give him the hugs and kisses that only a mother can give to her child. Please pray that he comes home to me safe and sound.
Fawn Miller
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