News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters sheriff’s calls...

• Deputies assisted by Black Butte Ranch officers arrested a man after he allegedly assaulted his brother, punching him in the head several times. The altercation reportedly occurred late at night when the victim would not let the suspect into an apartment to see his fiancé.

• A woman called to report people in her house making noise. It turned out that she was at St. Charles Medical Center and hearing the nursing staff.

• Deputies responded to a report of an MIP party. The minors fled and the adult residents contacted an attorney and would not allow law enforcement into the home.

• A couple of kids were confronted after reports of someone throwing rocks at vehicles. They were warned about the consequences.

• A woman reported loose dogs attacking her horses.

• A man was reported “acting strange” on a Sisters sidewalk. He was having a minor medical problem; an ambulance responded and he was treated on the scene.

Information in “Sisters sheriff’s calls” is taken from log entries and reports of the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office.


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