News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Public hearing set for charter school

A public hearing on Sisters Charter Academy of Fine Arts charter school has been set for Monday, November 27, at 7 p.m. at Sisters Art Works, 204 W. Adams Ave.

The hearing will provide parents and community members the opportunity to ask questions, voice comments and/or raise concerns about the proposed school.

Project Director Michelle Williams said, "It is important for parents and community members to attend. This is their chance to ask questions and support the program."

The proposed arts-centered charter school is a free, public school that will operate as an arm of Sisters School District. The school has been funded for 30 students grades kindergarten through sixth and is slated to open for the 2007-08 school year.

Development team members are currently seeking a facility to house the school. The former Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce building at the corner of Main Avenue and Elm Street has been determined an unsuitable site.

The building is too small to house 30 students, and the upstairs is a safety hazard for kids.

Bruce Turney is heading up the site search committee.

Specific curriculum for the school is also being developed. Curriculum coordinator Courtney Maxwell accompanied by Williams and Tourney will visit the Howard Street Charter School in Salem, which focuses its curriculum on literacy in both English and a second language, additionally on the fine and performing arts, as well as academic and experiential exposure to scientific, mathematical and technological discovery.

The team will also visit Cascade Academy of Central Oregon in Bend.

"It is not an arts-based school," Williams said, "but the curriculum looks just amazing."

They will then travel to Sacramento, California to visit the Natomas Charter School. Natomas has a performing and fine arts academy.

The committee's goal is to examine curriculum and specific procedures for integrating arts into all subject areas.

For more information send e-mail to: [email protected]


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