News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
To the Editor:
Yes, I do think that the CEC system rebuild, as (what) my eyes behold everyday is an abomination. I always thought the old poles and wires were tacky and a blight on the landscape, but I was sort of able to look past them. The new pole/wire regime just plain overwhelms the skyline in front of my house, towards Mt. Washington. The visual pollution is impossible to ignore now.
I take offense at a comment by the CEC spokesman, Mr. Guggenheim. Guggenheim plays the "greater good," and "what's fair to everybody," card. Really, who gave him the right to decided what is fair and right for everybody? I am sure I could look at a list of all of CEC's boondoggle projects and find a few to object to based on what was NOT an issue involving the greater good to myself or my neighbors or a project NOT based on what was fair to me or my neighbors.
I feel certain as a co-op member that I have had to pay for projects I cared little about and/or forced to pay fees for something that could have been done for less money.
Could the CEC spokesman be any more condescending, morally superior, arrogant or contemptuous of us rubes out here in Sisters? I believe he is an employee of a co-op and therefore his employers are the members of the co-op. People living in Tollgate that have to look at what CEC has done for us poor little folks out in the hinterlands are members of the CEC co-op. So it was a right nice gesture by Mr. Guggenheim to tell us, the co-op members of Tollgate, to go stick it in our ear!
Roger Ritchie
To the Editor:
Bonnie Malone seems to be talking about the Sisters Trails Committee in her letter about bikers excluding horse riders. Since this is a SOAR committee and she is the president of the SOAR board of directors, she should have been aware of the Trails Committee's work.
Horses churn up our native moon dust making it very difficult to ride a bicycle on the same trails.
If Bonnie wants to add horse trails to the trail system, she could attend the Sisters Trails Committee meetings. The next one is at 8 a.m., Friday, October 12, at the SOAR building.
Bruce Berryhill
To the Editor:
I'd like to agree with Karly Drake-Lusby. More Christian fundamentalists (in the form of Gutenberg College) will not help Sisters.
If these were people focused on the teachings of Christ - and specifically the Second Great Law - then we could have confidence that they would help spread tolerance. But they seem to be more Bible-followers, and we have plenty of those already (both locally and nationally). Bible-followers can find justification for almost any bigotry in the non-Gospel parts of the Bible and conveniently ignore Christ's teaching.
Indeed, there's more need to evangelize and convert Bible-followers than any other group! We could stop the anti-gay hatred, the legalization of torture, the slap-their-cheek-before-they-can-slap-ours foreign policy, if only this country were actually Christian!
Steve Bryan
To the Editor:
Kudos to Gary Miller for the exceptional photograph that ran on the cover of last week's Nugget . It ranks as one of the best that the paper has run in recent memory. Thanks also to The Nugget staff for running such an emotionally uplifting image on the front page and reminding us all why we moved into this beautiful country in the first place.
Charley Engel
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