News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Girls basketball team wins one of two

The Outlaws defeated the Elmira Falcons 48-41 at Elmira on Friday, January 18.

Sisters jumped out to a fast start for the first time all season. Outlaw defense clamped down, forced turnovers and finished in transition. Kali Ulmer scored eight points to boost Sisters to an 18-6 lead at the end of the first quarter.

Sisters continued to play tough defense and held Elmira to just 13 points in the first half. The Outlaws got into an offensive rhythm, executed well and were able to run through every one of their offensive sets to close out the half with a 29-13 advantage.

A complete switch took place in the second half, and Elmira outscored Sisters 28-19.

"We allowed penetration and didn't control the gaps like we wanted to," said Coach Kevin Cotner. "We allowed them to get into the lane and finish with easy buckets."

However, the lead from the first half was enough to carry the Outlaws through for the victory.

"When we play and focus on defense and when we put together a decent offensive game, we'll be tough to beat," said Cotner. "The girls continue to improve in our defensive schemes, and that's what's going to keep us in games."

Ulmer led the Outlaws with 11 points, and Kiana Jiminez finished with nine for the night. Ashley Huber contributed eight points, Jen Kaiser had six, and Brandi Palmer added five. Palmer also led the Outlaws with eight rebounds.

Three days earlier the Outlaws fell 19-33 to number-two ranked Junction City (JC). Sisters played tenacious defense the entire night but poor offensive execution cost them the game.

Coach Kevin told The Nugget that JC wins games because they are a very disciplined team.

"JC executes their offense and has probably one of the most intense pressure defenses in the state," he said. "They take you out of your offensive rhythm, and that's exactly what they did to us tonight."

The Outlaws will travel to Cottage Grove on Tuesday, January 22 and host Pleasant Hill on Friday, January 25.


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