News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 01/23/2008

To the Editor:

Barry Clock (Letters to the Editor, The Nugget, January 16) seems to have missed the trails discussion in The Nugget over the last few weeks.

The mountain bikers have signed some trails, not thousands of acres. Barry can ride his horse anywhere in the forest without an environmental study. Bikers have to do expensive studies to get permission to use the forest. How is this fair? If I could invent a bike that cut trails like a horse does, the bikers could build trails without permission from anyone!

And once again a letter writer maligns the Sisters Trail Committee without mentioning their name. Get off your high horse Barry and join the discussion. Meetings are monthly at the SOAR building. Contact SOAR or Jeff Sims at the Forest Service for meeting times. All voices are welcome. Horse riders especially.

I am no longer involved with the Sisters Trails Committee, so don't blame them for my rants. They do great work for the community and it bothers me no end when horse riders attack them for no reason at all. There are a half million acres (that's 781.25 square miles) in the Sisters Ranger District. Why can't the horse riders find a place to ride on the 499,900 acres that aren't signed "no horses"?

Bruce Berryhill


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