News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

'Otter Games' comes to Sisters Library

"Otter Games," a magnificent rendering in walnut by Sisters artist J. Chester "Skip" Armstrong, has a new home at Sisters Library.

Dolores Pritchard originally purchased the piece in 1998. When Pritchard decided it was time to leave Sisters and go into assisted living, she thought it best to leave "Otter Games" in Sisters.

She donated it as a permanent art piece to the Sisters Library.

"Otter Games" was born in Skip's mind, and before the imaginary otters could escape, he found a beautiful piece of seasoned walnut in the Springfield area. He began to painstakingly bring the otters from the gnarled, old walnut with his small chain saw, watching for the grain and coloration that would enhance their faces and sweeping motion.

It took over a month of carving and sanding for the playful otters to swim forth out of the walnut and the final product to give life to Armstrong's dream.

Armstrong has lived in the Sisters area for more than 35 years, and in that time he has created outstanding carvings in wood. His work can be seen at St. Edward the Martyr Catholic Church in Sisters, where one can view 36 hand-carved saints. The beautiful and intricate carved doors at The Lodge at Suttle Lake are Armstrong's work, as is the 22-foot animal totem at Metolius River Lodges. Other pieces of Armstrong's work are on display at High Desert Gallery.


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