News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
With the recent closure of Fotos in a Flash on Hood Avenue, the need quickly surfaced for photo printing and developing services in Sisters. Gordon and Renee Wilson, owners of Sisters Harvest Basket, jumped in and filled the vacuum and now offer full photo services at Sisters Harvest Basket.
Although a few minor changes are in the works, the overall transition should be seamless for folks who have come to depend upon the local photo shop service.
"We purchased some of the inventory and the phone number from Fotos in a Flash, so a lot of people became aware of the transition when they called and got us," said Gordon Wilson.
The Wilsons believe that investing in Sisters is not only the right thing to do but also a smart business move for them.
"I am not trying to be noble or put noble wings on it, but 18 miles away are two cities that can do everything that we can do in this city and do it cheaper - not better, but cheaper. For the American public Walmart is a perfect example of that. Most of the American public are perfectly satisfied with that level of service, but I feel that if I can get someone to come in my doors, they will find something to buy. If they don't come in it doesn't matter what I do, they won't spend anything here," said Wilson.
The decision to fill the void with the closing of Fotos in a Flash was made after considerable thought and consideration. "I have been looking for a new business, and I talked to a few friends about the business, and they said: 'I guess we will just have to drive to Bend if it closes.' That really made my ears perk up. I don't want to give anyone an excuse to go to Bend, because to give anyone a reason to go to Bend gives them a reason to not come in here," said Wilson.
"We will be able to operate (the photo business ) here, and our hours will actually be longer than they were at Fotos in a Flash since we are open on Sundays. Overall, I think that other than location the customers will not notice much difference. I am confident that we will be able to provide the same service at the level they have come to expect," said Wilson.
The starting of the business was a real pleasure with very few problems, according to Wilson, who said: "John and Nanci Reuter (the previous owners of Fotos in a Flash) were a great help and gave us a lot of information that will be invaluable in our new business. Their help has made a big difference."
In the process of buying the inventory from Fotos in a Flash, a number of rolls of developed film were transferred to Sisters Harvest Basket. If you left film to be developed at Fotos in a Flash that you have not yet picked up, contact Wilson at 549-0346 to recover your prints.
Adding to the growing mix of businesses that are becoming a part of the evolving Sisters Harvest Basket, the Wilsons are currently negotiating the purchase of one more business: Buckboard Provisioning, located at 413 W. Hood Ave. This sale will not be finalized until April 12, according to Rob Corrigan & Merry Ann Moore, Buckboard's current owners and co-founders.
The Wilsons are committed to keeping services in Sisters - for their benefit and to improve the business base of the town.
"We are going to aggressively pursue ways to better serve Sisters and provide the full range of services that are necessary to build a sustainable community," Wilson said.
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