News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Ian Matthew Stark

Ian Stark, 2008 graduate of Sisters High School, ended his life in search of peace. He was born at his home in Sisters on October 23, 1989, exactly six years to the day after his big brother Jim.

He is survived by his four brothers, Jaxon, Jim, Jonathan and Justin; his parents Paul and Jean; and a large extended family.

He loved the outdoors, camping, hiking, music, art, jewelry-making, pottery and sports - and excelled at them all. He went from kindergarten to graduation at the Sisters schools, making life-long friends along the way. From the time he was little he loved to tell funny jokes with "questionable" punch lines, and roam the house for hours in his own world of beatbox and race car sounds.

And what an artist he was! Sometimes the drawings were so well done they required a time-out from school! The beautifully designed jewelry and pottery he worked on with Mr. Baynes are pieces we will wear and treasure always.

We loved Ian's free spirit, we were hurt and annoyed by his free spirit - and now we believe his troubled spirit has been set free.

Ian loved sports - golf, basketball, football, Tae-kwondo, lacrosse, wrestling, sledding, snowboarding, and this summer for the first time, wakeboarding. His decision to make a comeback for his senior year was a dramatic one that has left its mark on all of us. At 5-feet-6-inches, 140 pounds with gear, he was a dynamo on the football field. Oh, that football season!

For our family, it was a magnificent gift that brought us together. We would cheer him on, and bring him home bruised and bloody and exhausted, but so full of pride and accomplishment. He let us see him as a warrior, and we reveled in it.

On another side of the coin, he finished up his credits for graduation. It was a team effort there, too. On graduation night his whole family was so proud of his efforts.

Our lives have been left with a huge hole that can only be filled with expanding love. As a family, we commit to living honestly, and with compassion and integrity and to honor the strength of Ian's commitment to be true to himself.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Sisters Schools Foundation with a note directing the donation to the Ian Stark Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 2155, Sisters, Oregon 97759.

Information provided by the family of Ian Stark.


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