News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

SOAR teen program is thriving

Lined with corrugated metal walls and bright paint and surrounded by flat screen TVs, books and a billiards table, SOAR (Sisters Organization for Activities & Recreation) Teen Program Coordinator Anne Heath's office reflects what's going on around her.

"Exciting things are happening here!" Heath says.

There's a name change on the horizon starting January 1.

"With the new name, Sisters Park and Recreation District, comes a concentration on programming for all ages," said Heath. "The Winter/Spring Catalog is going to be great!"

Until recently, SOAR was basically operating as a drop-in center that wasn't working very well; it just wasn't serving the broader public. With the implementation of "registered programs" (programs where a student signs up in advance, enabling SOAR to know the materials and staff needed for each program) Heath is able to have structured plans for all who come. The results?

"Kids are having fun and coming back with their friends!" said Heath.

Then there is leadership development. Heath has around her now several student groups that advise her on what's important for Sisters teens. The different groups come together at different days of the week.

One group is comprised of high school students who are working with Heath in the development of a program for middle school girls called North Star Girls. The kick-off is November 4.

The other student leadership group is pulling things together for a program called Venture Heads. It's an environmental education program "to help middle school youth experience and learn about the great outdoors," Heath explained.

Here again, the students direct the outcome of the program. For example, if the students want to learn about an avalanche control group, surfing or skiing, they bring it up with Outdoor Programs Manager Greg Garretson, and he makes it all come together in a way that education is a priority and all objectives are met.

November 21 is the first Activity Night for teens.

Heath has been gathering sponsors for this inaugural event. The first Activity Night will have a skate competition, sponsored by Aspect Skateboard shop in Bend. A video game competition is sponsored by Game Crazy of Bend and Acrovision Sports Center of Bend is sponsoring a gymnastics competition.

Martolli's of Sisters is providing delicious pizza all night long.

Heath has been burning up the phone lines getting even more sponsors for the November Activity Night.

"The cost is $5 per person, 5:30 to 8 p.m. for middle school and 8:30 to 11 p.m. for high school," Heath said. "The basketball courts will be operational and the evening will be filled with food, friends, and fun!"

Heath noted that, "if this first one goes well, we'll have an Activity Night every month. And there's the possibility for an All Sisters Tailgate Party at Hoodoo, too."

The soon-to-be Sisters Park and Recreation District has something for everyone, every day of the week: Homework Club is on Mondays and Wednesdays. When the students finish their school work they can play XBox Rock Band, or get a snack and hang with friends. Tuesdays are Girls Only day, and Thursdays are devoted to Teens in Service. (See related story page 14.)

The week is rounded out on Fridays with Dinner-and-a-Movie night.

For more information call SOAR at 549-2091.


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