News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Noted songwriters to perform in Sisters

Sisters songwriter Travis Ehrenstrom is bringing together some of his fiends and fellow troubadours from across the Northwest for a show in Sisters.

Nick Jaina, an acclaimed Portland folk-pop singer-songwriter, Karly Fairbanks from Spokane, Washington and Noah Gunderson of Centralia, Washington, will join Ehrenstrom onstage at Sisters Art Works on Thursday, November 6, at 7 p.m.

There is a $5 charge at the door.

"It's just a bunch of really good friends I've been playing with over the past year," said Ehrenstrom, a standout alum of the Sisters Folk Festival Americana Project. "I just wanted to bring them to Sisters to showcase them."

The songwriters will perform in a stripped-down acoustic setting, rotating through individual solo acoustic sets.

"Noah and Karly are really personal songwriters," Ehrenstrom said. Jaina offers "almost swing acoustic music."

Ehrenstrom will perform, too, but he says, "I'm just really excited just to listen."

Sisters Art Works is located at 204 W. Adams Ave.


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