News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters salutes...

• The Class of 2009 Grad Night Committee would like to thank all the businesses and partygoers who supported our Halloween Bash fund-raiser last Saturday night. A great time was had by all, and the party was a huge success.

• Hayden Homes replaced a disc golf basket that was stolen from the Sisters Disc Golf Course several months ago. The housing developer paid $300 for the basket, earning the gratitude of disc golf course creator Kathy Kemper-Green and hordes of avid disc golfers.

• Jim Anderson wrote:

"Every once in a while I am reminded of the little-town roots of Sisters, where everyone knew everyone and felt good about it.

"Last week I blew into the Space Age service station and purchased five gallons of gasoline to feed the wood-splitter. When it came time to pay for this precious elixir of our time I discovered that: (a) My check book was empty of checks, and worse yet, (b) I didn't have my wallet. No way to prove who I am, where I live, or cash to pay the bill.

"Fortunately for me, Jacob Bedaywi, owner of the store was on duty; but even when I told him who I was, I knew I couldn't prove it. He gave me "the look" but then without hesitation, printed out a receipt and shoved it over to me, saying, "Put your telephone number on it in the event you forget you owe me." And put the IOU in the till.

"Yes, 'Little Old Sisters' is still the place in which to love and live. And, yes, I paid the bill the next day. Thank you, Jacob for keeping kindness alive in our little old town."


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