News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Girls' basketball season will start without key players

The girls' basketball team will eventually bring back six battle tested varsity players, but as of now three of the six, Kianna Jiminez, Jenny Kaiser and Danelle Allen, are out with injuries or illness.

Jiminez, who plays at the post position, is recovering from a knee injury, but according to Coach Kevin Cotner has the ability to impact the team both on and off the court. Kaiser, also a post player, is the team's most universal player, and is currently recovering from shin splints and Achilles tendonitis. Danelle Allen (guard) is recovering from an appendectomy but will hopefully join the team after Christmas.

The three other returnees, Nicole Meadors (junior), Suzie Ruettgers (guard/post) and Marin Allen (guard) will likely be on the court most of the time. Cotner is pleased with what he's seen from these three players.

"Nicole is a true competitor," said Cotner. "She knows how to battle and nobody outworks her. Suzie really became a force over the summer and set herself apart as a player in this league. Marin will return with varsity experience, and a couple of inches, to our No. 1 position. Look for her to be our little floor general."

One senior, four juniors and one sophomore will also join the Lady Outlaws this season.

Senior Natalie Denny and junior Brittany Birkland will see time at the post position.

"Natalie will bring floor smarts and hustle every night," said Cotner, "and she's not afraid to sacrifice her body. Brittany will bring size and rebounding to the table and she has the potential to be one of the best rebounders in the league."

Juniors Loren Cummins, Kara Herr and Hannah Boles will all share time at guard.

"Kara has made herself valuable by being able to play multiple positions within our offense and has a great attitude and work ethic," said Cotner. "And, I think Hannah is just starting to realize her potential. She's the quiet competitor."

Sophomore Chelsie McConville rounds out the new additions.

"Chelsie brings basketball smarts to the team," said Cotner. "She has a tenacious work ethic and has turned into our most consistent shooter."

Despite the fact that three of his starters are suffering from injuries or out due to surgery, Cotner is still optimistic.

"We have the best team chemistry and work ethic, from top to bottom, of any of my teams to date," said Cotner. "I think that when we get healthy, we will have a pretty solid team from one to 12. In the meantime there is a unique opportunity for girls to get major minutes on the floor who might not have otherwise seen those types of minutes. I see this as a benefit down the road when we make our playoff run."

As for season goals, the team hopes to be competitive each night and just be patient.

Cotner said, "I think that if we commit to bring competitive hearts to the table each night, the rest will take care of itself. I am excited to see what we look like as a complete team, with everyone back and healthy. In the meantime we will continue to mold and cultivate our younger players and rely on them to lead us."


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