News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Bands learn at festival

Band leader Jody Henderson took a busload of middle and high school students to the annual Oregon Jazz Festival in Eugene for a chance to perform, learn and listen. The group came away from the two days at Lane Community College feeling "totally jazzed" over the experience.

Three groups took part in the festival, two from the high school and a large group of nearly 40 from the middle school. The festival brings together high school music students from throughout Oregon and even one school from Washington.

"I am so proud of not only the performances given by all the students, but also the genuine appreciation they showed for the educators working with them at the event," said Henderson.

Scholarships for the University of Oregon Summer Jazz Camp were awarded to drummer Tanner Smith, acoustic bassist Jared Henderson, and guitarist Austin Erlandson, based on their performance during the festival.

In addition, the combo group of Jared Henderson, Wesley Ford, Alexa Orr, Tanner Smith, Blake Henderson, and Tree Palmedo accepted an invitation to open for the evening concert highlighting nationally reknowned saxophonist Don Braden.


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