News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Seventh grader wins VFW essay contest

Sisters Middle School seventh grade student Shayna Noone is the winner of the local and district Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) essay contest.

The VFW Web site describes the contest: "Patriot's Pen, a youth-essay writing contest endorsed by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, is a nationwide competition that gives students in grades 6, 7 and 8 the opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy. Annually, more than 115,000 students participate in the contest."

Participating students are given a patriotic theme, a word count limit of 300-400 words and a timeframe in which to get it all done. This year's theme is "Why America's Veterans Should be Honored."

Sisters VFW Post member Jack Kinsey brought the contest to Sisters Middle School and was also a judge in the contest for the Sisters VFW Post. A former teacher and high school administrator, Kinsey is no stranger to being around students and being lifted up by their thoughts and words.

Seventh grade language arts teacher Megan Schoenecker took the project to her students.

"Ms. Schoenecker told my class about the essay contest and really helped a lot to get our essays entered in the contest. I really appreciated her help in getting my essay submitted," said Noone.

"I didn't think I'd get this far, it was so worth the shot and I like to write," Noone said. "I thought it was a good theme because I don't think vets get enough recognition and I enjoyed doing the research."

When asked her views on honoring vets, Noone offered, "The vets only get one day to be honored (not counting Memorial Day which is for those who've died serving their country). In my research I learned a lot about the injuries so many suffered and I wish I could have incorporated that into my essay more."

Looking toward the next installment of the competition Noone said, "I put a lot of time into the essay and I hope I get to go on to the state level."

The essays are scored on theme knowledge, theme development, and clarity of ideas. All top national winners will receive a savings bond for over $1,000 and the first-place winner receives a $10,000 savings bond plus an all-expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. The national competition is held in Kansas City.


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