News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
Ricky McCollum was a hard-playing third grader in the summer of 2007. Then he started vomiting.
At first his mother, Bree, thought he was overheated and overexerting. But the vomiting continued and she took him to the doctor. Extensive blood work was clear; nobody seemed to know what was going on. The vomiting did not abate. On October 7, Bree took Ricky to the emergency room at St. Charles Medical Center, where a doctor performed a CAT scan.
"The doctor came back and said 'Your son has a mass on his brain,'" Bree recalled. "And of course I just collapsed and fell over."
Two days later, Ricky was in surgery in Portland to remove a malignant tumor from his brain stem. The surgery was successful, but there was a price.
"When my little boy came out of surgery, he was disabled," Bree said. "His eyes were completely crossed; he couldn't walk."
Little by little, Ricky has gotten better. He now attends Sisters Elementary School, completing his interrupted third grade year. He is being monitored constantly both for the return of cancer and for the effects of chemotherapy and radiation on his young body. He has eye damage and his motor capabilities on his right side are diminished. He goes to school in a wheelchair as a precaution against being knocked down in a crowd.
"His spirits have been wonderful through this whole thing," said Bree. "He's just a little warrior, I swear. He said today, 'I kicked cancer's ass.'"
So far he has, but Ricky has a long road of recovery and rehabilitation ahead of him. The family must make regular trips to Portland and Ricky's father, Mike Kennedy, has been out of work (he starts a lawn care job in March). Mike's father, who moved in with the family to help out, has been diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer.
Ricky will soon undergo eye surgery to repair damage due to the removal of the tumor.
To help the family cope with bills associated with Ricky's ongoing care, Sisters Elementary School counselor Shawn Diez is organizing a fund-raiser, run through Sparrow Clubs USA.
Diez is looking for 40 donors to make a $100 contribution through Sparrow Club. Checks may be dropped off at Sisters Elementary School or mailed to 611 E. Cascade Ave., Sisters, OR 97759.
Checks should be payable to Sparrow Clubs USA with the memo "For Ricky M."
"It's tough times and it's been hard for somebody to give that big chunk," said Diez, "but with many people, I think we can support the family."
Diez said the school is planning other activities to offer some financial and a lot of moral support to Ricky and his family. Students will participate in a contest to design a button proclaiming support for Ricky. The buttons will sell for $1 each. Physical education teacher Mark Lamont will organize a Miles for Ricky run at the school.
According to Diez, these activities won't have any significant financial impact, but they will allow students to rally on behalf of one of their own.
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