News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 09/23/2009

To the Editor:


Not many people knew his real name, which was Vernon Anderson, but for the last eight years he was a fixture in and around Sisters. Any person, cat, dog or child who came into contact with him loved and cared about him and enjoyed his kind nature.

He was born in 1945 in northern Virginia, near the West Virginia line. His life was one of toil and day-to-day survival. But he accepted that with humor and endurance.

He passed away at a private home in Cloverdale on September 15, at the end of a day of toil.

He never asked for a handout - or accepted one - but instead would help anyone he met. His passion was gold mining on his own claim. Luckily, for the last couple of years he went to Arizona in the winter to pan for gold. Not with great results, but better his ditch than someone else's.

He was a better man than almost everyone he ever dealt with and those that knew him know that. His reality has not changed, so anyone who wants to help his widow, Nan, in Madras should.

Casey Brennan


To the Editor:

I want to express my extreme gratitude to the people who brought the fabulous entertainers to the Sisters Folk Festival. 

It was a life experience for me - amazing music, warm, wonderful, heartfelt connections with fellow listeners and the performers.

Each year the people who put the festival together find such extraordinary performers, and this year was beyond belief.  I loved everyone I saw, and I was there the entire weekend. My iPod is entirely reloaded with CDs I bought this weekend, and so my toes are still tapping and my heart is still full. 

Thank you so very much.

Bryn Hazell


To the Editor:

We are delighted the city has installed sidewalks and crosswalks around the elementary school (East Cascade Avenue and Locust Street).

These improvements will enhance the safety of our children, pedestrians and drivers alike. City residents, visitors and businesses will all benefit from these enhancements.

Thanks to the city staff for taking action and doing such a great job! The Nugget should do a feature story including pictures about this project.

Ron and Carole Vogeltanz


To the Editor:

Not to deter anyone from joining the Sisters Chorale, the stated fee of $40 will more than likely be reduced with more members joining the chorale. Scholarships are also available (see "Singers gather harmoniously in Sisters," The Nugget, September 16).

Hope to see everyone interested in singing join the chorale.

Irene Liden


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