News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 04/28/2010

To the Editor:

Derek Cornforth's letter in response to the April 14 Nugget article (page 16) and related letters is packed full of information. Thanks to Derek for the time he has spent diligently researching for factual information.

I attended the April 19 hearing of the Board of County Commissioners for review of a revised resort overlay map from the planning commission. One goal of the remapping effort was to identify only lands that met the minimum criteria necessary for a resort.

Instead, the number of properties included on the map grew. Some have the appearance of being included solely to satisfy the business interests of one particular landowner, Keith Cyrus, who serves on the planning commission.

An attempt to change existing law to allow destination resort approval (Aspen Lakes TA-7-07) was voted down on November 24, 2008. This property and others like it should have been taken off the map.

Owners of land contiguous to land with restrictions in place, such as designated open space, have property rights as well and are just as important. I agree, Sisters needs more overnight lodging and jobs, but keep it in town for all of us to benefit from. Our future depends on natural resources, rural scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, fun outdoor activities and an especially unique community - let's keep it that way. This brings the tourists to Sisters and keeps them coming back, not more resorts.

Kimry Jelen


To the Editor:

In his response to my letter of April 14th, Grant Cyrus referred to my emotional state. He was right about that. I was upset.

Here's what set me off: weeks earlier, I had a chat with his brother Joseph as he and his crew cleared trees and brush along our mutual property line. He explained to me that they were clearing a 200-foot wide strip around the perimeter of their property as a fire protection measure. I thought that was a good idea and I thanked him.

I assumed the island of wildlife habitat in the center would remain untouched. When I became aware that they were clearing that too, I was shocked and dismayed. Over the years that rocky hilltop had been of no use to farmers. Therefore it was a uniquely pristine example of a high-desert ecosystem. Now it is not. It is damaged. The damage comes from the wheels of heavy equipment rolling back and forth over the fragile soil, breaking it down and inviting the invasion of noxious weeds that are nearly impossible to eradicate, even with the likely use of herbicides.

I realize that I have no business getting attached to someone else's land. That land belongs to the Cyruses. I knew that before I bought my land next door. But I also knew, from county records, that it was zoned as "designated open space" and not to be built upon. That was and is the law.

In his closing comments, Grant mentioned that I inquired about creating a view corridor. I did talk to his mother Connie about the possibility of removing or trimming three or four trees. She said no, "we love all of our trees," and that was the end of it.

That was about eight years ago, before there was any talk about trying to convert to a destination resort. If I had heard even a rumor of zoning changes that would allow 300 densely spaced homes and a hotel, I never would have moved there, let alone asked for a view.

Dennis McGregor


To the Editor:

Is there another place in this country that has back-in parking? I can't believe that anyone thinks that's a good idea!

I predict a rush of complaints by people who have fresh dents and scrapes from parking in those spaces. I know I won't be parking in them! We have enough bad drivers around making problems for people and to give them even more chances to cause even more irritation?

Amazingly bad idea.

Suzi Sheward


To the Editor:

On Saturday, May 8, Sisters High School will hold its annual junior/senior prom. The festivities commence at 5 p.m. (attendees need to arrive at 4:30 p.m.) in the high school gymnasium with a Grand March, a first for SHS!

We invite friends, family and the Sisters community to join us in watching an elegant procession of all prom attendees dressed in their formal attire. It is a great way to express your support for our kids and also a great photo opportunity.

See you there!

Dawn Richerson and junior class moms


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