News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Friends of Sisters Library plan exhibit

Charlotte Milam has enjoyed donating her extensive art talents and productions to the Sisters Library and to the Friends of the Sisters Library (FOSL) for several years.

Her colorful rendition of the town of Sisters adorns the cover of the perennial FOSL cookbook, showing a bright yellow Citabria towing a banner reading "What's Cooking In Sisters." The face page and several other areas throughout the cookbook show many of her local images.

Milam has lived in this area for 20 years, moving here from Southern California after 23 years of teaching art in both public and private schools. Much of her work features children in a variety of activities, including a widely circulated children's book entitled "My Favorite Place." For 10 years, Charlotte illustrated unique annual calendars depicting familiar scenes and activities at Black Butte Ranch.

In the spring of 2009, Charlotte sat across from the new library, and did a sketch of the building. That sketch is now being used on the invitations sent to Sisters area artists for a FOSL exhibit.

The Sisters annual art exhibit, sponsored by FOSL, will run from Friday, January 14 to Thursday, February 24. There will be an opening reception, with hors d' oeuvres and beverages on Friday evening, January 14, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Sisters Library. All artists who want to exhibit their art should submit their works at the library on Wednesday, January 12, from

10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

For more information on the exhibit, contact Paul Bennett at 541-588-0156, or the FOSL Art Committee Chairperson, Zeta Seiple at 541-549-6157.


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