News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters students grant funds to programs

Several organizations that combat substance abuse, depression and suicide in area youth got a boost from Sisters High School students earlier this month.

The Community 101 program under the direction of Kristy Rawls distributed funds to the substance abuse education and prevention program TAPS ($1,000 for the Sticker Shock education program), the SMART reading program ($1,200) and Rimrock Trails Adolescent Treatment Services Home in Prineville ($1,750 for heating system repair).

They also awarded grants to in-school programs: the Sparrow Club; SHS Leadership Program scholarships; the Link program; and the Associated Student Government.

The students act as a foundation or granting agency might - vetting the programs to determine their effectiveness and congruence with the group's mission. The vetting process includes site visits, where students learn in greater depth about the programs they


The funds were provided by foundations and individuals in the community. Donors were: Dorris Coombs Thomas Fun of The Oregon Community Foundation; Rodger and Carolyn Gabrielson; Sue and Mike Fisher; Jessie-Lea and Curtiss Abbott; The Roundhouse Foundation; Les and Lori Cooper.

Author Bio

Jim Cornelius, Editor in Chief

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Jim Cornelius is editor in chief of The Nugget and author of “Warriors of the Wildlands: True Tales of the Frontier Partisans.” A history buff, he explores frontier history across three centuries and several continents on his podcast, The Frontier Partisans. For more information visit


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