News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

SPRD has retired its debt

Sisters Park & Recreation District (SPRD) is debt-free.

The long-term debt that the district had been carrying since January of 2009 was retired in May. This was a critical part of the reorganization plan put forth by the board and staff in the spring of 2010. SPRD Business Manager Anne Heath noted that the board determined that SPRD must operate debt-free so as to utilize all revenues to provide programs to the community.

"During the reorganization, the board and staff spent many hours analyzing every policy of the district," Heath noted in a press release. "It was the goal of this team to build a strong district that would not only provide quality programming, but also operate with sustainable and responsible fiscal management."

With the long-term debt retired, the hope is that the district will begin building an emergency fund, and further pursue "Quality District" accreditation standards set by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). SPRD will continue to operate on a balanced budget with a cost-neutral policy. Programs must pay for themselves either through registration fees, scholarship dollars, and/or grants and donations.

The District receives 22 cents per $1,000 of tax revenues. That brings in revenues of approximately $215,000 to the district annually. That $215,000 pays for the building maintenance, and funds the administrative positions and the expenses of maintaining an administrative office.

All other expenses must be covered by revenues from programming.

"It takes a whole lot of diligence, and careful budget planning, in order to maintain the district on the tax receipts," Heath said. "But the good news is that the tax receipts are reliable, and that allows some certainty for at least maintaining a minimum level of service so long as the district manages those dollars well."

Heath credits the hard work and dedication of the board of directors.

"They don't just show up to meetings, they are working every day for this district," she said. "Each and every one of them bring to the table business and life experiences which makes them invaluable to the district, and to the work that has been accomplished. Whether I need assistance with financial matters, human resource advice, or someone to read a legal contract, I have a qualified individual willing to come in and help me with it. I call on them often, and they are more than willing to share their time."

Heath also praised "a quality and dedicated staff."

Board members for Sisters Park & Recreation District are Peggy Tehan, Mike Morgan, Andrew Gorayeb, Jeff Campbell and Quay Richerson.


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