News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Cascade Avenue project secures major grant

The City of Sisters received word last week that the Cascade Avenue Improvement Project has been awarded a $1.66 million grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). On Wednesday, August 17, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced more than $19.4 million in grants for Oregon to fund an array of highway-related efforts, including the improvements on Highway 20/Cascade Avenue in Sisters.

"This now brings the committed funding for the project to $4.5 million," said Eileen Stein, city manager.

At a community workshop held on August 4, ODOT officials and the project design team estimated the cost of the project between $5.5 million and $6 million. Stein stated the project budget includes a large contingency amount which will be refined further as the design is completed.

"Not all of the funding is in place yet, but this announcement represents a major step forward for the project," said Stein.

The FHWA invited states to apply in June for federal funding from 14 grant programs. ODOT and city staff worked together on a submittal for the Cascade Avenue project earlier this year. More than 1,800 applications were made, totaling nearly $13 billion, which is more than 30 times the funds available.

The design of the project is expected to be completed later this year. ODOT plans to bid the project in August 2012 and construction is slated for 2013.


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