News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Tourney supports sports scholarships

Basketball enthusiasts and the Sisters Park & Recreation District are teaming up for some fun - and a good cause.

They will host a 3-on-3 basketball tournament on Saturday, August 27, from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Proceeds from the tourney will start a scholarship fund to help families who have trouble meeting new, increased pay-to-play fees for school sports.

"We decided to do this because we have raised the pay-to-play fees and there are families who are flat not going to be able to have their kids participate in sports - and that's a shame," said Outlaws girls basketball coach Julianne Horner.

She is working with SPRD on the tourney. SPRD will administer the scholarship fund. Horner said she is hopeful that other sports will follow suit and that donors will also come forward to support the fund.

Students who receive scholarships will pay them back in the form of community service at the rate of an hour for each $10 received. So if a student needs a $150 scholarship, they would work 15 hours on community service projects.

Boosters will be approaching community organizations and churches to develop a list of projects to which student athletes can bend their efforts.

The tournament will be held at Sisters High School, and all ages are welcome. The emphasis is on fun and community-building, Horner said.

For more information contact SPRD at 541-549-2091.


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