News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 08/31/2011

To the Editor:

Jim and I went to the antique show on Sunday; way too hot, but I was drawn by the possibility of an antique "I couldn't live without."

Of course there were two pieces, but the point being I was surprised it was so small - very few vendors.

At first we thought it was because it was the last day, two-ish in the afternoon on a very hot day.

But I was told by all the vendors I asked - about six or seven - that they were really disappointed in the lack of advertising that was done by the Chamber of Commerce. The two large motels in Sisters didn't even know there was such an event going on in town.

I know that funds are tight, but when you charge a vendor to participate, isn't it the Chamber of Commerce's responsibility to advertise such event?

The vendors I talked to say they will not be back for the August show.

In my opinion and the opinion of people I talk to, we all feel the Chamber of Commerce dropped the ball on this show. In this economic climate, can we afford not to do everything we can to draw people and special events to Sisters? I'm aware we all have our favorite special events, but all events should have the same attention spent on their advertising or exposure so the public will come to enjoy the hard work these people put forward to come to Sisters.

Becki Neal

Editor's note: The Nugget offered the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce the opportunity to address Ms. Neal's concerns. The response follows.


To the Editor:

Thank you for choosing to attend the Sisters Antique Faire. We are thrilled you were able to find some items at the event.

We recognize your concerns regarding advertising of the Sisters Antique Faire this year. The Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce currently hosts 13 events throughout the calendar year in Sisters Country. This large number of events does require us to stretch our limited budget dollars. We are currently reviewing all events we host in order to determine how we can improve. The staff and board of directors of the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce will also use this review process to identify which, if any, events may no longer be hosted by the Chamber.

We appreciate and encourage all community members and visitors to share their questions, comments and concerns directly with us at the Chamber office, via email at [email protected] or phone at 541-549-0251. Our mission is to promote the economic vitality of the Sisters Country through business advocacy, tourism development and promotion, and community support. We can best improve our office and our representation of Sisters Country with your feedback. Thank you!

Erin Borla,

Executive Director, Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce


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