News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Barclays honored at tree lighting

In a brilliant burst of silver light, the 2011 Sisters Christmas tree beamed to life during the 8th annual tree lighting ceremony Friday night at Barclay Park. A record crowd filled the downtown pocket park under starry skies and mild temperatures, collecting families and friends under the green boughs to sing carols and celebrate what it means to share a life in our small town.

The 35-foot white fir held court over the festivities, which included messages of hope, a special blessing by Reverend Ted Rodrigues and seasonal songs directed by Si Simonsen and his holiday choir.

Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Erin Borla addressed the huge audience and pointed out her thoughts on what makes this community unique.

"What an outstanding crowd," she said. "We live in such an amazing place and are so fortunate to live in Sisters. I hope all of you can wake up and see the beautiful things I see every day. For those of you visiting, there's no better place than here."

The towering tree was again provided by the Deschutes Land Trust, with transportation and setup handled by Sisters Tree Service.

Substituting for Mayor Lon Kellstrom, City Council President David Asson stepped in and mentioned the significance of Barclay Park, its creation nine years ago and its inspiration, longtime Sisters residents and civic supporters Harold and Dorothy Barclay. They were a pioneering logging family and a force behind the Western theme Sisters wears so well.

Asson presented a new official historical plaque that will permanently grace the park, with information on the Barclays and their dedicated role in Sisters' development.

Cheryl Garcia and her group of visiting relatives cheered after the fir tree blazed forth and prepared her children's red wagon for the trip back home.

"It's always a great family tradition, the classic lighting of the tree," she said. "I've lived here for four years and this is the first time we've come down for the program. I think it's a wonderful community-builder. You have to be thankful for what we have here. It's fabulous."


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