News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Lady Outlaws hoops returns solid squad

The girls basketball team returns nine players to the varsity squad this year, including four seniors.

Seniors Elise Herron, Sam Kaiser, Lauryn Chauncey and Carissa Kernutt will bring experience and veteran leadership to the team. Herron, Kaiser and Chauncey, as team captains, will be expected to lead on and off the court and keep their teammates energized and positive throughout the season.

Herron and Chauncey will both play at the guard position.

"Elise is our defensive specialist," said Coach Julianne Horner. "She is an incredible defender and can stop anyone on the floor. Her leadership and tenacity on the floor are contagious."

Of Chauncey, Horner said, "Lauryn is our power and speed. She took more charges than any other player last year, and we will look for her high energy and just plain speed down the court."

Kaiser will play post and Kernutt will alternate between guard and forward.

"Sam is our finesse under the basket," said Horner. "She has worked hard at her skills underneath and will be a great asset with her post moves. Carissa is going to be a player to be contended with this season. She has logged many off-season hours on the court and it shows in her shooting as an offensive threat anywhere at the three-point range.

"These four players will be integral to our season," said Horner. "They bring leadership, determination and experience to a young team."

Three juniors also return to the varsity squad, including Taylor Nieri, Avi Vogel, and Harley Rowe. Nieri and Vogel will play wing, and Rowe will see time at wing and also at forward.

"These juniors are the teams' pure shooters," said Horner. "Look for these three to be offensive threats."

Sophomores Savannah Spear and Jacobie Petterson will share time at point guard. Sophomore Claire Henson is new to the team and will be a prominent player under the basket. Horner told The Nugget that all three of these players are floor leaders.

Swinging from junior varsity will be juniors Ellie Ricker and Lauren Cantwell, along with freshman Gwen Knoop.

"We have a unique situation this year with many new freshmen, allowing the program to have three teams," said Horner. "We look forward to the leadership of Ellie and Lauren in leading the JV and helping many of the new younger classmen with the increased level of play that high school basketball brings."

This year's squad is physically smaller, but Horner stated that they make up for any lack of height with commitment, speed and pure team work.

Horner said, "I'm very excited about the season ahead. These girls have a great work ethic and are very coachable."

The Lady Outlaws kick off pre-season with a jamboree at Redmond on Wednesday, November 30. Sisters will match up against Summit, Redmond and Bend. On Friday, Sisters will travel to Crook County.


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