News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Uganda program wins grant

Barbara Hulse woke in the middle of the night with an inspiration: Tell her friend and fellow church-member Janet Storton about the See's Foundation grant program.

Hulse was aware of the program and knew that Storton was seeking funds to complete a vocational center that Storton's Sisters of the Heart organization had started in Kapchorwa, Uganda. Maybe...

That idea came to fruition recently, as the See's Foundation awarded Sisters of the Heart $14,000. Storton said the funds will be used to equip a kitchen at the center in Kapchorwa, where villagers will be trained in culinary arts for jobs in the hospitality industry.

Other grants funded the construction of the vocational center, which is divided between the quilting business that forms the core of Sisters of the Heart, and the more recent hospitality industry training.

Storton attributes her success in securing grants to the compelling story of the women of Kapchorwa, who are learning to be self-sufficient and develop micro-enterprises.

"Whoever is making the decisions on these boards (of foundations and granting agencies) just falls in love with them and what they're doing," Storton said. "It's just amazing what's happened!"

Sisters of the Heart has support from individuals, churches and organizations across the U.S. Folks in Sisters can help the women of Kapchorwa while securing unique Christmas gifts this holiday season.

Storton recently returned from Uganda with fabric, market bags, table runners and quilts. Sisters Community Church held a small boutique sale last weekend.

The African fabric is highly prized by local quilters.

"For quilters this is so unique - you can't find it here," Storton said.

Sisters Coffee Co. carries coffee bags and sleeves made in Kapchorwa, next to Ugandan Kabum Coffee.

To purchase products made in Kapchorwa contact Janet Storton at [email protected]


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