News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Third-graders learn to swim

Sisters Elementary School third-graders recently completed several sessions at the Sisters Athletic Club pool, learning skills that have the potential to save their lives.

The Third Grade Swim Program is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sisters and supported by Sisters Athletic Club and the Sisters School District. Organizers estimate around 900 Sisters kids have spent time learning basic swimming skills over the program's nine years of operation. This year's 11th-graders were the first class to participate in the program.

Rebecca Womack is the aquatics director at the club. She's been involved with the swim program since 2005, and each year sees how the lessons impact students lives. This year was no exception.

"There were two students who, at the beginning of the lessons, would have drowned if they'd been alone in the water," she said.

One of the students went on to become proficient at beginner level and the other gained confidence, achieving basic skills and becoming much more comfortable in the water.

"These are just two of the many accomplishments that make the program so valuable," said Womack.

Working out the logistics of the program is challenging, with classes blended at third- and fourth-grade levels. Womack said the school is committed to making it possible.

Rotary Club of Sisters has sponsored the program from its inception. Mike Bidasolo, who was president of the club when the partnership started, said it was the club's project to celebrate Rotary's 100th year in 2004-2005. He and staff at the school and Sisters Athletic Club ironed out the details.

"Our thinking was that with all the outdoor water-related activities that Sisters families are involved in, it would be a very positive thing for the community," he said.

Womack concurs, stating that the yearly highlights are observing the skill improvements and confidence-boost the lessons provide.


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