News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters salutes...

• Marc Peck, a 2009 Sisters High School graduate, joined the Army right after graduation. He spent a year deployed in Afghanistan. He is now a medic in the Army and just re-upped for three more years. Marc is stationed in Fort Knox, Kentucky, and will be going to Fort Carson, Colorado in 2013.

• Nolan Peck, a 2012 Sisters High School graduate, joined the Marines and graduated from boot camp and infantry training in October of this year. Nolan will be in North Carolina at Camp Lejeune for 10 weeks in engineering school.

• Sisters Kiwanis says thank you to our Sisters Kiwanis Club 35th Anniversary Celebration committee: Jan Failing, Dave Huni, Jack McGilvary, Jeff Omodt, Earl Schroeder, Marcea Degregorio, Michele Hammer, Pat Woollard, Bob Grooney, Tay Robertson, and to Kelly Cyrus and the Aspen Lakes team. You all put on a wonderful event at Aspen Lakes for our 70-plus attendees. We all enjoyed a wonderful evening of laughter and memories. Thank you for making the evening so special!

• Hayley Hancock, Easton Curtis and Paris Draheim recently won the 2012 Toni Berke Foster Memorial Scholarship award.

These students will each receive $1,000 toward their undergraduate education. The scholarship is awarded in honor of Toni Berke Foster, a Camp Sherman resident, who led the Black Butte School for many years and who contributed significantly to that community.

For information on making a contribution to the Toni Berke Foster Memorial Scholarship Fund, contact Belle Cantor at The Oregon Community Foundation. For those interested in applying for a scholarship from the fund, information is available at the website of the Oregon Student Access Commission,


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