News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

New Sisters city councilors sworn in

Three new city councilors were sworn in Thursday; returning councilor and ex-mayor Brad Boyd, and newcomers Catherine Childress and McKibben Womack. The new council promptly selected Boyd as mayor and Womack as council president. The vote was 3-2 in each case. Childress and Asson were the dissenting votes.

"I am humbled and honored by the support from both the voters and the majority of the council. I am looking forward to working with the new council and the community," said Boyd after the meeting.

Outgoing councilor and Mayor Lon Kellstrom gave public recognition to outgoing councilors Pat Thompson and Sharlene Weed while declining any public recognition for his 14 years on the council.

"I have been extremely fortunate to have received many kind thoughts and comments from lots of folks. I'm good with that," said Kellstrom.

Kellstrom spoke of Weed's eight years on the council and noted her work on the housing plan, parks master plan and parks advisory board. He also noted that she tirelessly promoted bike and pedestrian improvement, and was a motivating force behind the successful Farmer's Market.

Weed responded with a thank-you to the city staff, and a light hearted thank-you including a gift of spirits for Kellstrom and Thompson " have a drink on me for putting up with me for all these years."

Kellstrom recognized Thompson's four years of service, noting that, "He brought a robust business perspective to the council and was heavily involved in getting the economic development effort off the ground. He advocated for fiscal conservativism, and who can forget 'live within our means' or my favorite 'Do you want pizza or leftovers?'"

City Recorder Kathy Nelson reported receiving a number of emails praising Kellstrom's accomplishments which included: "Wisdom and history; fiscal responsibility; sewer system; new city hall; gas tax champion, Cascade Avenue project funding, transformation of Sisters - first on the school board - then council - then mayor."

The new council will meet for their first workshop at 8 a.m. on Thursday, January 17, to discuss the city's Economic Development Strategic Action Plan (EDSAP) and transitioning the economic development manager contract to Economic Development of Central Oregon (EDCO).


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