News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

It's all about service

The Sisters-Camp Sherman fire department's annual awards dinner last weekend had a theme: Service.

Keynote speaker Jeff Johnson told the assembled firefighters and EMTs that their business is helping people, period. That's about more than doing the work competently; it's about the human interaction, taking that extra step, engaging.

That's a great ethic for any business, and especially for public service.

The City of Sisters is taking encouraging steps to save taxpayers money and to make sure that the experience of working with City Hall is a good one. The school district has asked taxpayers to continue supporting its work through local option, and in return, they are pledging to continue to improve education for families in Sisters.

Sisters Park & Recreation District has created a culture that listens to the customer and delivers what the community wants and needs.

When a person goes to the city planning department, they are trusting the staff there with their dreams of opening a business in Sisters. When a parent sends their child to school, they are trusting the staff to nurture their most precious loved ones. When someone calls the fire department or the police, they may well be entrusting their life to the first responders.

Service matters - a lot.

It's gratifying to see agencies like the Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD creating a culture that puts service to others front and center. They're an example for us all.

Jim Cornelius, Editor


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