News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
The Sisters Middle School greenhouse just couldn't take the heavy load of snow that fell across the region last week. It collapsed Sunday morning, burying thousands of dollars and hours of volunteer effort.
Firefighters responded to the scene and donned safety gear to deal with a propane leak caused by the collapse. They shut off the propane and ventilated the building to eliminate any chance of ignition.
Sisters Science Club member Mark Thompson, who has worked on the greenhouse, trudged through the snow from McKinney Butte Drive to view the wreckage. On his way back out, in characteristic fashion, he said, "Looks like we're going to have an opportunity to improve the greenhouse. Stay positive!"
It will take a bit of positive thinking to overcome the sad loss. The Sisters Kiwanis Club, Sisters Science Club, Sisters Garden Club and many local businesses contributed to constructing the greenhouse and improving its water system. Students and staff used the facility for hands-on education and it is a key component of the seed-to-table program.
All three Sisters schools used the greenhouse. High school agriculture classes worked there, as did middle school science and art students. High school students mentored elementary school students in nurturing initial starts.
David Hiller, of Sisters Kiwanis, told The Nugget that Superintendent Jim Golden will file a claim through the school district's insurance.
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