News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

City process doesn't inspire confidence

City staff's failure to refer Brad Boyd's application to site food carts on his business property to the planning commission beggars belief.

Food carts aren't the issue. The problem is process.

City staff informs The Nugget that "it has been our common practice to send all SP (site plan) applications to the PC (planning commission)."

Except in this case. This time, there was an "oversight."

One would think that everyone at City Hall would by now be hypersensitive to how something like this appears, since critics of city government have been hammering them for years regarding process.

Brad Boyd, like any other businessman, has the right to seek to improve his business in any way that is legal and conforms to City rules. He shouldn't be subjected to exceptional scrutiny simply because he's the mayor (for another week). But if there is a standard practice and the City does not adhere to it in a case involving a public official, they might as well whittle out a cudgel and invite the citizenry to beat them about the head with it. They deserve it.

It is inappropriate, and probably legally fraught, to unwind this particular process now. Nor is it necessary to simply dump every decision into the public arena for hearings and endless discussion. But the City must do better at establishing clear policies and protocols that enhance transparency, especially when there is any possibility that there could be a perception of conflict of interest or undue influence.

Such protocols don't just reassure the citizenry, they protect public officials who also operate businesses from unfounded allegations of impropriety.

Such protocols should not reflect the minimum acceptable public outreach, but rather demonstrate a genuine effort to keep Sisters' citizens, interested parties, and elected or appointed officials fully and completely informed of the activities of their government.

Everyone benefits, not least a city government that does not need more embarrassing controversies.

Jim Cornelius, News Editor


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