News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Kiwanis awards scholarship to Curtis

Sisters Kiwanis awards scholarships to Sisters-area adults who are seeking a career change. This program, known as the Kiwanis Career Opportunity Fund (COF) assists adults (25 or older) who are financially unable to return to school or retrain for a career change.

Tracy Curtis, a Sisters resident, was recently awarded an OCF scholarship that allow her to be certified as a professional floral designer, specializing in wedding floral design. Tracy will attend classes at the Floral Design Institute in Portland.

Currently, Tracy cleans houses and operates a home-based business called Ballokai. She crafts fashion accessories from recycled materials, but the business doesn't provide a livable income. After professional training she will be certified as a floral designer and will start a Sisters-based business that will provide her a livable income.

When she was presented with the COF award, Curtis was asked about her choice of new careers. Tracy said her goal was to work as a wedding floral designer, a profession that will provide a sustainable income and also the time to continue working as an artist and business owner. She also emphasized that without financial support from Kiwanis it would be unfeasible for her to pursue the floral design training.

The Kiwanis Career Opportunity Fund provides assistance to start, augment or complete a career that may include vocational, technical, artistic or general fields of study. Funds are available to qualified residents within the Sisters area regardless of age, gender, disability, marital status, race or current occupation. Kiwanis does not set limitations on potential use of the award. Since its inception, the fund has awarded more than $26,000 in assistance to help 18 Sisters-area residents reach their dreams.

COF applications are available on the Kiwanis web site: (, at the Sisters Habitat for Humanity office, from Family Access Network or by calling 541-588-6441.

To donate to the COF, make checks payable to Sisters Kiwanis COF and post to Sisters Kiwanis, P.O. Box 1296, Sisters, OR, 97759.


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