News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 08/26/2015

To the Editor:

Teflon Andrew & his complicit Nugget.

Interesting use of the straw man argument so prevalent with the Obama Administration - all my unnamed, silent supporters agree.

According to Miriam Webster's online dictionary "litigious" is defined as: " too ready or eager to sue someone or something in a court of law; tending or likely to engage in lawsuits." In that Mr. Gorayeb's conduct is presently the subject of at least one present litigation and further that he has also lawyered up over his egregious conduct with Outlaws Lacrosse one finds his use of that adjective ... ironic.

I've read the letter in question & I've also read several of Mr. Gorayeb's strident rants in this forum over the years. Andrew's calling anyone else a bully is beyond irony.

It's time for the city council to address this consistent nuisance.

Ted Carlson

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To the Editor:

Our family was stunned and devastated when we received SPRD's notice of Andrew's resignation from the Outlaws Lacrosse organization earlier this summer.

While my son has benefitted from scores of great coaches throughout his sports career (he will be a senior at Sisters High School this fall), it was Andrew who was the topic of his "Individual who has been an inspiration..." essay assigned in his sophomore year.

He had chosen Andrew as his ASPIRE mentor for guidance toward his future college-education plans. As a single mother, I sought out Andrew's advice more than a few times, when I needed a little extra guidance in navigating the sometimes tumultuous seas one encounters raising teenage boys, and always received the advice and encouragement needed to keep my sails aloft and my ship pointed in the right direction!

Thank you, Andrew - coach, friend - for your years of service to Oregon lacrosse, our youth, the Sisters community, and our family. You continue to have our support, admiration, respect and love. The field won't be the same without you.

Wendi Reed Jacques


To the Editor:

If anyone one wants to check out the validity of harassment charges against the current city manager check out the online Nugget blog site. Go to the 2012 June/Voices concern/priorities Sisters schools and read how our city manager/former school board member responds.

I believe we need a person with more mature communication skills to represent Sisters.

One person serving on multiple boards plus city authority is cross-contaminating the balance of power and is a conflict of interests.

Shirley McBride

Editor's note:

The online link to The Nugget blog, which has been inactive for a considerable time, was scheduled to be removed this week. Due to public interest in comments made in 2012 by Andrew Gorayeb, the link will remain active for a period of a couple of weeks and then will be removed as planned. The blog will remain accessible through search engines for an indefinite period, though the blog will not be maintained.

Jim Cornelius, News Editor


To the Editor:

After the story in last week's Nugget August 19, the DA ordered release of various documents by SPRD and the KTVZ 21 evening news, on Friday, August 2, it has become obvious that a long-festering chicken has come home to roost. SPRD has laid an egg and it's anything but golden.

Andrew Gorayeb, our city manager, has been found out, publicly, and he's really put his foot in it, this time. It seems that - as usual - friends, minions and/or co-conspirators were complicit in having taken measures to cover-up (or "gloss over") the complaints, letters and so forth, in regards to his unconscionable behavior toward both his lacrosse players and their parents.

SPRD and it's director should be reprimanded for it's actions (or lack of same) in this matter as well and Gorayeb should be removed from the SPRD board.

Should an abusive, disrespectful, little Napoleon such as Mr. Gorayeb really be a representative for the City of Sisters? I think not.

D.E. Kaufman


To the Editor:

We are saddened that after 30 years of continuous operation, the new owners of Bronco Billy's made the difficult decision to shutter the business.

At 103 years old, the Hotel Sisters stands as solid and beautiful as she did when first opened for business in 1912. As current caretakers of this historic property, we stand committed to maintain the building with the quality of materials and craftsmanship she deserves. We are turning this unfortunate situation into an opportunity to make some much-needed facility and interior renovations.

We apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment. We look forward to reopening and serving the residents and visitors of Sisters Country in the spring of 2016.

The Reed Family, Landlord


To the Editor:

I participate in a lot of events (from obedience competitions to crisis response) with our standard poodles.

Of all the events, this year's Doggie Dash was probably the most fun of all! Hated to see it end. I was there from early morning to help set up with Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club, until nearly the last person left the park. Fun events (and I didn't see or participate in all of them) from the time I got there, until we left!

Great job to all the FOSL volunteers! It was a great time and very well organized!

See you next year!

Sue Dolezal


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