News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 09/23/2015

To the Editor:

Re: youth sports, parents and coaches.

Another excellent source of information relative to this issue comes from Mike Matheny, the current manager of the St. Louis Cardinals.

"The Matheny Manifesto" and his recent book should be required reading by all parents who have youths in sports.

Dave Seibel


To the Editor:

This letter is in response to the events concerning the lacrosse program. As a senior at Sisters High School and a lacrosse player I hope my opinion sheds a new light on this subject.

Coach Andrew Gorayeb expected that we maintain good grades, show up to practice with all our gear and that we gave our all.

He taught us work ethic by showing us that hard work and determination pays off.

Coach taught us what it meant to be an Outlaw by teaching us how to lose with dignity and win with honor.

Coach Gorayeb never tolerated one of his players disrespecting another player, coach or referee.

Now I would like to address the behavior of the parents from my point of view.

Your son signed up to be coached by Coach Gorayeb.

So let the coach do his job.

I can guarantee that if Coach Gorayeb said something derogatory or negative to your son, he deserved it.

If he did not receive enough playing time then it was because your son did not work hard enough in practice.

Coach Gorayeb knew what each one of us was capable of and expected us to live up to that standard.

What kind of example are you setting for your highly impressionable teenage son? You're telling your son that if someone pushes them mentally to be the best they can be, chew them out for causing trouble or prevents them from getting what they want, then you will be there to take care of the problem. We are high school students, we can decide if we want a coach or not. So please ask yourself this, is it appropriate for a team to lose the glue that held them together because of a few kids?

David Keeton


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