News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 10/28/2015

To the Editor:

The "off-leash" dog story, October 21, prompted me to respond. Recently, a friend and I enjoyed the Harvest Faire, walking up and down, viewing the many excellent exhibits. That is, until two canines, leashed, began a not-so-friendly barking, snarling session with one another. Then, along comes a gentleman parading, again leashed, three greyhounds. And so on...

This begs the question: Why do people have to bring their dogs with them to attend events, walk the streets, shop in the stores, and in general be in places where only people should be?

Another hazard, my friend was nearly tripped when one dog owner had to maneuver the dog leash around a second leash. If dogs were left at home, gnawing a bone or sleeping, downtown shopping and events would be much more enjoyable.

Oh yes, I've owned many dogs in my lifetime.

Duane C. Anderson

Tualatin, Oregon


To the Editor:

Ten years in the making! Finally! Our hopes for affordable housing for Sisters residents -100 new homes!!!

So, within two we will have eight new affordable houses; 25 total, to include townhouses and cottages listed in the high $200,000.

The other 75 new homes will start at $350,000. Oh, except for the "last few" phases! They'll be $500-600k. All inspired by "Northwest Crossing." Oh yup! We're getting the roundabout, too!

Is this the best we could do? Seventy-five percent to be listed at $350-600k? Affordable?

Sue Durbin


To the Editor:

I was never scared of all the witches, zombies, and assorted goblins wandering around on Halloween next Saturday night.

What really used to scare me was the meat industry.

This is the industry that mutilates, cages, and butchers billions of cows, pigs, and other feeling animals, that exposes thousands of undocumented workers to crippling workplace injuries at slave wages, that exploits farmers and ranchers by dictating wholesale prices, then jails those who document its abuses through unconstitutional "ag-gag" laws.

It's the industry that generates more water pollution than any other human activity and more greenhouse gases than transportation, then promotes world hunger by feeding nutritious corn and soybeans to animals.

It's the industry that threatens our public health with increased risk of killer diseases, that creates antibiotic-resistant pathogens by feeding antibiotics to animals, then bullies health authorities to remove anti-meat warnings from their public messages.

Now, that's really scary stuff.

But, instead of being scared, I decided to fight back by dropping animal products from my menu. I am no longer scared of the meat industry, and I invite everyone to join me.

Siegfried Neufhaus


To the Editor:

Having just read the 861-page "Kissinger" by Niall Ferguson I no longer feel so stupid politically.

I quote from the book: "Hence the curious phenomenon of people deciding to run for high office first, then scrambling around for some intellectuals to tell them what their position ought to be." Again: "It was around that time that an important initiative was taken at Harvard with the formation of the study group on Presidential Transition, 1968-1969 at the newly established Institute of Politics."

If Harvard, which has played a part in providing that intellect, was just learning what stupid decisions Presidents make, what about peons like us?

As I listen to the long list currently running for "high office," I see some of the stupidity already - and there hasn't even been a primary.

I am really worried about my country's future!

The book covers Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Nixon - too bad it doesn't go farther.

Russell Williams


To the Editor:

In the October 21, 2015 opinion page, guest columnist Rachel Marsden declared that one of the most common questions she's asked is whether President Obama is a bamboozler or bumbler. She then goes on to espouse several different theories, I found somewhat confusing, concluding it's still too early to tell.

Rather than theory, I believe just a small sampling of actions speak clearly; no need to wait for an answer. Obama promised Americans his health plan would save costs and no one would lose their doctor or current coverage. Bamboozler? Obama's administration has added more national debt to our children than all previous presidents combined. Bumbler? Obama declared to Americans he had no Constitutional authority to modify immigration laws, yet did it.


Obama drew the red line Syria must not cross that meant nothing. Bumbler? Obama told the United Nations the Benghazi attack was due to a video when Hillary's email has finally verified it a total lie. Bamboozler? Obama called ISIS the JV team with respect to terrorists. Bumbler?

Obama declared there was not one "smidgen" of wrongdoing with numerous attacked by Lois Lerner and the IRS on conservative groups, in fact wasn't aware of it till he read about it in the paper. Bamboozler? Iran nuclear deal is only way we can prevent war and get Iran to comply; hostage discussion was not appropriate. Bumbler? Marriage is between a man and a woman 2008, believed in same sex marriage 2012. Bamboozler?

Obama is the first president to preside over a cut to the credit rating of the United States. Bumbler?

And last but not least, "I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America." Bamboozler? I can't speak for Rachel but the most common questions asked of me are how can the press continue to cover up or overlook such incompetence (bumbler) and corruption (bamboozler) in our government leadership.

Jeff Mackey


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