News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 11/18/2015

To the Editor:

Thank you to Sisters District Ranger Kristie Miller for her unwavering professionalism in assessing the proposal to construct an asphalt path between Sisters and Black Butte Ranch.

Contrary to the rude and infactual letter in last week's Nugget that attempted to impugn Ms. Miller's character and trivialize the opposition, there are hundreds of opponents of the asphalt path that appreciate her fair and thoughtful approach to weighing the community's response to this highly controversial project.

Michael Cooper


To the Editor:

I totally agree with Sarah Rahm's letter about the proposed trail from Sisters to Tollgate and on to Black Butte on the south side of Highway 20 (The Nugget, November 11).

By putting it off to appease the small number of naysayers, people with any disabilities and those pushing strollers are prevented from accessing Sisters except by car. Riding a three-wheeled bike on a dirt path with gravel on the sides, and through grass uphill is too difficult, so the trail to the high school from Tollgate is not an option the way it is. It is not easy to push a stroller there either, and a motorized wheel chair would certainly not navigate that trail.

Sarah is so right when she points out that most people in this area want the proposed trail. It has never been made clear why another environmental assessment is needed, after all the time and money that was spent on the original EA.

Sue Edgerton


To the Editor:

It's disappointing that the first shots over the bow in the latest iteration of the argument for a paved trail from Sisters to Black Butte Ranch should be ad-hominem, name-calling attacks on two local people (Nugget Letters to the Editor November 4). It's especially egregious in light of the letter from Rep. Alan Unger implying that only we opponents of the south-side alignment have been uncivil (The Nugget - October 6, 2015).

Majority opinion is valid only to the extent that it is informed. Advocates of the paved trail to Black Butte Ranch maintain that endorsements and names on petitions are enough to make the trail happen.

In fact, there are many more criteria to be met. Admittedly, we opponents of the Black Butte Ranch trail have been slow out of the gate; we do not have a long-standing organizational structure, two websites, a brochure, or a T-shirt as the advocates do. We haven't canvassed local social events with petitions, or local businesses asking for their support.

What we have done: we've researched the ramifications of the proposed trail and have concluded that the south-side alignment along Highway 20 has serious downsides and negative effects that could be ameliorated by a different trail alignment.

We've gone where we've been invited to speak and will continue to do so. We will get the word out without personal attacks and without denigrating our opponents.

Joellyn Loehr

F.S. Buehler


To the Editor:

I would like to formally congratulate Bill Rexford, former Sisters lacrosse boys varsity head coach, on being inducted into the Oregon U.S. Lacrosse Hall of Fame. Formal induction will be on November 20 in Portland, Oregon.

Bill had been instrumental in growing the sport of lacrosse in the state of Oregon. He was one of the early "founding fathers" in the Portland area nearly 20 years ago. With his move to Sisters and with the help of Andrew Gorayeb, Bill helped build a thriving local program that has influenced boys and girls at all grade levels in the district.

Congratulations on a job well done.

Winter and Treasure Lewis


To the Editor:

Solution for global warming?

Senator Jeff Merkley just sent out a video clip via email on his proposal, which can be seen at: .

It's obvious from the clip how utterly stupid Democrats think the American people are. Presented in a format that appeals to the mind of a 4-year-old; Jeff attempts to scare us concerning carbon dioxide but neglects to even mention that it's essential for photosynthesis in plants that include our food supply.

The argument on global warming has numerous scientific experts on both sides of the argument. Just 50 or so years ago we were headed for a new ice age.

Jeff also failed to describe even one replacement technology that will power trains, planes, semi trucks, and ships that handle logistics for the world's economy(minor oversight).

As for actual global warming; the only real evidence we will probably see in our lifetime is that from a nuclear weapon detonated by Iran, personally approved by Jeff Merkley and his fellow Democrats.

Jeff Mackey


To the Editor:

Editor's note: The following is a letter in response to ODOT's OReGo program, a pilot road usage charge program. According to ODOT, "with OReGO, volunteers pay a per-mile fee and receive a credit for any fuel tax paid at the pump. The system charges participants for the number of miles driven on Oregon roads."

No! This is not pioneering. This is liberal, socialstic, communistic "innovations." Our Constitution and Bill of Rights were written to guarantee that federal and state government would not tell "we the people" how to lead or live our personal lives. Who or what gives ODOT license to do something like this?

No, I do not understand "how important it is for Oregon to conduct this test drive" of a road funding alternative. There is no good reason at all!

I have paid taxes in Oregon for 43 years. If the taxes collected for road were not part of a "shell game" of co-mingling funds and used for other things, there would be money to take care of the road infrastructure into the future.

ODOT is attempting a coup in Sisters, or to build a round-about to nowhere for an estimated $4 million when a simple stoplight in the same place (ODOT estimate $1 million) would take care of the problem equally well. In fact it did all last summer when the main road through town was closed for most of the summer.

I believe that those who came up with this clever rip-off did not grow up in responsible family situations and learn the value of living your life on a cash basis and being a responsible steward of not only your personal life, but also of the state and the wonderful country we live in.

What agenda do you have for those who do not "volunteer" for this added tax (with a reverse credit for those who perform)? You must think we are all stupid. The Boston Tea Party was nothing compared what is going on today in the state and federal governments.

Kay Temple


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