News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

What freedom means to me

Editor's note:

Seventh-grader Pearl Gregg read her Patriot's Pen essay, "What Freedom Means to Me," during Veterans Day observances at Sisters Middle School on November 10.

Freedom. To me freedom means everything. Freedom is where I live, go to school, what job I choose and so many other things. Freedom is my future. Without freedom I would not have a future. With freedom I can get an education, drive, get a job, pick my house and where I want to live when I'm older, pursue my dreams and live the life I want.

I appreciate all the American Veterans have done for me and for our country.

Without what they did the U.S. would be a very different county.

Veterans and their families sacrificed a lot for us.

Many had to abandon their families, jobs, and put their lives on hold.

With all of my freedom I will live my life to the fullest.

I will run with it and make the most of my life.

For example I will go on trips and adventures and do lots of exciting things.

I will treat it with respect as well, because these rights can be taken away from me if I don't make the right choices.

Also with my freedom I can drive when I'm 16, go to college, build the tiny house I dream of living in, become a teacher, stand up for myself, and be who I am.

I am one who stands out as dorky and sometimes I think it's a bad thing but it's just expressing who I am and that's a good thing. When I'm older I get to vote for who I want to lead this country. I have a choice in what I believe and I can share my voice with the world. These are things I can do with my freedom. I can be so powerful with my freedom I can speak up for what I believe in.

I greatly appreciate my freedom. I love it with all my heart. It is something so important to me. My dreams would not be possible without my freedom. I have so many dreams that I want to make a reality, and with my freedom I can. I thank the veterans that fought and lost so much to make this country what it is today and the life they have created for all of us. My advice to all of you, follow your dreams and be who you are, because this is a FREE country.


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