News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters Library issues call for artists

The call is out to all artists in Sisters Country to mark their calendars for Monday, January 11, the submission date for original artwork to be displayed in the Friends of the Sisters Library (FOSL) 11th Annual Art Exhibit, which runs from January 13 through February 25.

Artwork for the exhibit may be submitted at the library between 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Invitations with all the details have been mailed out to artists and can also be picked up at the information desk at the Sisters Library. Artists may submit two pieces of wall-hung art and five pieces of other art forms that have not been exhibited in the Annual Art Exhibit in the past three years. More than that cannot be accepted due to limited space.

Secured wire hangers are required for all artwork that will be hung; no sawtooth hangers. Wall-hung art cannot exceed 30 inches by 40 inches unless space permits. Quilts and other fiber art must have a sleeve secured on the back for hanging. Larger quilts to be hung on the rafters cannot exceed 84 inches wide by 75 inches long.

Pottery, sculpture and jewelry will be displayed in the locked cases in the entryway. If the artwork is too large for the case, it will be displayed on a shelf or table in the library. All artwork must be identified with labels on either the back or the bottom of the piece.

Artists are also asked to bring a one-page biography that includes artist's name, description of the submitted work, and contact information, which will go in a notebook which accompanies the show. All art pieces submitted must be approved by the FOSL Art Committee and remain for the entire show. Artists will be asked to sign the library's art exhibit agreement and to state the value of the work. The Deschutes Public Library System will insure the artwork during the period it is in the library building.

The Friends of the Sisters Library will receive a 10 percent commission from the artist for any artwork sold during the art exhibit, which is a fundraiser for FOSL.

There will be an opening reception at the library on Friday, January 22, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., with hors d'oeuvres and beverages served. The public will be able to meet the artists and vote for the three People's Choice Awards, which will be presented that evening. Voting for the awards will take place January 13-22.


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