News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Support Sisters School Bond

For eight years, the Sisters School District has had to make tough financial choices, trying to weather the storm of the Great Recession and a steep decline in enrollment. Through all of that time, the district did its best to keep cuts as far away from classrooms and programs as possible. That meant that maintenance of plant and infrastructure took the hit.

With enrollment starting to stabilize, it's time to catch up to work that has to be done to maintain the public's investment in its schools.

The $10.7 million request that Sisters voters will decide upon in the May 17 election was honed down from a bigger ask, based on public feedback. Voters and taxpayers spoke and the district listened. That's the way it's supposed to work.

The request is adequate to meet the district's needs and to enhance facilities that will help the district attract and retain students.

Schools must rely on robust enrollment to stay financially viable. Quality facilities are necessary to help Sisters schools to return to a healthy, sustainable level of enrollment and funding. The safety enhancements called for in the district's plans are overdue and necessary.

Refinancing the district's existing full faith and credit debt will have an immediate positive effect on the general fund budget, freeing up some $240,000 annually that can be put to use in the classroom.

Sisters schools are a central part of the life of the community - and a reflection of who we are as a community. Supporting the bond request will ensure that our investment is maintained and that the heart of our community remains vibrant.

-Jim Cornelius, News Editor


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