News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters Habitat dedicates two new homes

Sunday was a day of smiles and sunshine as two Sisters families became the 59th and 60th homeowners with Sisters Habitat for Humanity's home building program, which began locally in 1991.

Alexandra Lantaler and her daughter Jessica will be the first family to move into Habitat's 17-lot neighborhood, Village Meadows. Her home was dedicated while many volunteers, family and friends, and community supporters cheered. Alexandra handed out small wooden homes as a thank you to the many people who have volunteered through the home-building process.

"Thank you to all those who have been a part of this realization for me and my daughter. This home is a dream come true for us," she said.

She thanked God for her many blessings throughout her life and said many people say she is lucky, but she said "I am blessed." She said she is grateful to Habitat for Humanity and its "amazing" home-building program.

Audra Garbrecht and her sons Samuel and Alex also celebrated the dedication of their home. The process of becoming a homeowner through Habitat can take up to two years once a family submits an application. Sometimes, a family will move out of a Habitat home and the home can be bought back and refurbished for a new family.

Audra and her sons will be the third family to live in the Habitat house on Cowboy St. The home was originally built in 2000. The first family who lived in the home moved and Habitat purchased it back and refurbished the house for a second family. When the second family moved, the home was refurbished again for the Garbrecht family. The home was updated with new appliances and fixtures and repaired where needed.

"When we have an opportunity to buy-back a home, we review the future homeowners who have applied and determine if we have any suited for that home," Sharlene Weed, executive director of Sisters Habitat said. "The Garbrecht family was a good fit, and it's so great that they can move in a little more quickly."

"I just want to thank everyone for everything," Audra said. "This will always be a home base for my boys to return to Sisters and that means the world to me."

Sisters Habitat is celebrating its 25th anniversary of building affordable homes in Sisters and will host a banquet on September 18 at FivePine Lodge.


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