News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Volleyball team prepares for season

The Lady Outlaws, along with new coach, Rod Jones, have been hard at work in preparation for the upcoming season.

Sisters brings nine players back to the varsity squad, and hopes are high for another great year.

Seniors Emma Houck, Brooke Knirk, Alex Hartford; juniors Hawley Harrer, Ashlynn Cantwell, Jessie Brigham, Erynn Ricker; and sophomores Sydney Head and Kendra Sitz all return as experienced players who will be expected to provide strong leadership to the team.

Houck has two years of experience under her belt and is currently the only player that has been named as a team captain. Emma will play middle hitter for the Outlaws and has done an outstanding job since practice began the beginning of August. She is a solid, reliable player and Jones commented that Emma is a good teammate who cares about Sisters and her team.

Knirk returns for her fourth year as a varsity player and will also play middle hitter. Brooke is a strong athlete who jumps well and also has a great arm.

"Brooke is learning technique, and when she does it right she's unstoppable, and she knows it" said Jones. "It's fun to watch."

Hartford also has three years of varsity experience and will be one of the Outlaws' setters. Alex is a tough competitor who loves the game, and Jones stated she is working hard to run a fast offense.

Harrer has all the physical tools, is skilled, and a very good player.

"There is so much more that Hawley can learn and get better at to help her with the challenges ahead," said Jones. "She could easily become the most dominant player in Oregon, but not without hard work."

Cantwell will start as an outside hitter. Ashlynn is a very aggressive player who has been working hard at practice.

"Ashlynn is learning how to become a complete player," said Jones. "She wants to play back row, and right now she's earned it."

Brigham is a dynamite player and sets the tone for the match. Jesse is very skilled and talented, and an aggressive player. Jesse is an all-around player, but will focus her time at libero.

"It would be great to have 12 competitive attitudes like Jesse on the team," said Jones. "What she does in the back row is like having a dominant hitter in the front."

Ricker is a dynamic athlete and is battling for a hitting position.

"Erynn just has to work hard and learn the game," said Jones. "It's all in front of her."

Head is an all-around player who will play a dual role for the Outlaws. Sydney will play defense and will also learn how to set for the future. Jones stated she's very coachable and will be battling for playing time as a defensive specialist.

Sitz can really jump, and will start at outside hitter.

"Kendra is just a sophomore and can really get off the ground. She's just a little puppy, all arms and legs," said Jones. "If she keeps learning she's gonna be a good one."

Bailey Colindres (senior), Mandi Calavan (junior), Mattie Mynatt and Samantha Silva (freshmen) will join the team and round out the roster. Mattie and Samantha will help out as hitters, Mandi will hit and also play defensive specialist, and Colindres will play as a defensive specialist and at setter.

Jones told The Nugget that the newbies are a great group of girls, and are all doing a great job in practice. They are all working hard, are very coachable, and are fighting for roles on the squad.

Although each of the hitters will have a specific starting position, they will learn all the hitting positions. This will allow them to be interchangeable, which will be necessary due to the offense that the Outlaws will run this season.

"Everybody needs to be responsible, make the right choices, and have each others' backs," Jones said of his team. "The game is mentally, physically, and technically new to most of the kids, but they're grasping it all and asking good questions."


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