News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Your vote is hallowed ground

In just over one week, the legal residents of this nation will send a message to their governing members and to the world as to their collective level of satisfaction with the status quo.

If uninfringed, that message will likely spell the beginning of the end for limitless congressional terms, complicated personal taxation, and illegal immigration. If allowed to run its true course, that message will return the judicial and congressional branches of the United States toward a pro-America, pro-Constitutional heading.

Such should have always been the case.

And such is what the nation needs, for as Ronald Reagan famously said, "...A nation without borders is no nation."  I urge each of you, Republican, Independent, or Democrat to realize the rare power that you hold in your hand, to recognize the priceless gift placed long ago in your possession of the fundamental right to cast a vote, placed there by thousands who fought for you, for your freedom to both live and to vote. Many who thus fought, fought and died that you might live free. 

It's fair to say that they would expect the beneficiaries of their sacrifice - each and every one of us - to greatly esteem our present liberty, and to contemplate with respect and logic the outcome of the vote we cast. We do them no service by thinking only in present perspectives as we vote this week. We ought consider the America in which we, by virtue of our vote, will have a direct role in making and passing on to subsequent generations.  

Now is the time to speak out, and as a nation, to be heard resoundingly!

A candidate calls to us, one who's love of power and whose acceptance of corruption over rule of law in America is only too well known. I implore you, fellow American - look ahead! By the strength of your ability to reason, see the corrupt reality in Washington for the snake-pit that it is; do not cast your vote into that abyss. Instead, recognize your own liberty as beyond any price. Recognize the hardship, the moral courage, the sacrifice, and the discipline at all levels that such a nation as America required of her builders as the foundation on which we now stand. 

Why would we now, as that nation, we as that party, or we as individual citizens ever willingly vote to dispossess ourselves of such hallowed ground? Do we somehow not see the deceit playing out before us? America is the sovereign property of only we Americans. It is not the possession of a foreign ideology nor beholden to the outside world. Our culture is not chattel, neither our freedom some mere commodity. As Americans, every generation has for that freedom its debt to pay, the price being eternal vigilance over both our borders and our Constitution. As such, our liberty so rare in the world, is not immune to enemies either foreign or domestic.

"When ...[in the end] the freedom they wished for was freedom from responsibility ... then Athens ceased to be free." - Sir Edward Gibbon, 1780


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